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Proud Mama brag :)

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My dd got her latest SAT scores back today. This was her third time taking it. She got very good scores the first two times but she's applying to ivies and very other selective schools and felt that her scores weren't quite up there. 


As far as a single sitting, she improved her single sitting score from last June to now by 200 pts. I couldn't believe it! This is with no tutoring. No help from me or anyone else. She just really studied her way through her prep books knowing where her weaknesses were.


All of the schools she's applying to use a superscore. With that in mind, her new superscore is 230 pts over her first single sitting.


Now, if I can just find a way to crack the essay portion for when my 8yo is ready for the SAT. :lol: Both of my older kids are amazing writers but they cannot get more than a 9 on the essay. Don't know what we're doing wrong there.

Anyway, I am just so proud of dd for setting a goal for herself, doing all of the prep work on her own, and reaching the goal she set! 


Thanks for letting me brag. :D

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