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Day of SAT question

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My kids are taking the SAT at a school neither of them have ever been to before. Should I go in with them to check in, or leave it to them to figure it out? I don't want to look overprotective or embarrass them if no other parents go, but my son has Aspergers and is already anxious about the test. My dd goes to another school so she's at least familiar with how to move around in a school.

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My ds 17 just took the ACT at a very large, very unfamiliar high school this past Saturday.  I just dropped him off.  He said that it was very well organized and that there were teachers just inside the door directing the kids to the lines where they would check in by last name.  He said the instructions were clear and there were posters/signs up on all the walls.  He did not have any trouble at all.


Having said that, if your son is anxious and would like for you to go in with him, even if you stand to the side and let him know you are there if he needs you, it might help him relieve some of that anxiety.  Test day is already a nerves-filled day!



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I've noticed several parents around on testing days. I think they're often there as volunteer proctors, but I imagine some are going in to make sure their kids find the right rooms. If your kids want you to go, I'd vote go!


On the other hand, if you'd feel uncomfortable, I think they'd be fine on their own. When my son has tested, there have always been plenty of people around (and many signs) to show him exactly where to go.

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I'm going to call to get instructions.  They've renovated the school and added a lot of security, and we didn't know what we were doing for the PSAT. Unfortunately that was right when everyone was coming in for class though.  So it was crazy.  Things should be better on a Saturday.


I'm figuring that everyone from outside has to sign in with security anyway, so I'll go that far and then take off.

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Here's another question. Cell phones are not allowed in the building at all, right? I suppose I should sit and wait  for a while when they first go in just in case they are rejected for some reason, like not liking their registration picture, or if my son encounters someone that doesn't know about the SAT student ID form that we had notarized due to his having no license or passport. If they do get in, how long will they be there so I know when to go back to get them?

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What I did with a younger student was stand just inside the lobby door while he waited in line and got checked in at the registration table. Once he was through we exchanged a little wave and I was out. FWIW, I have seen parents here waiting in line with students just to make sure they got checked in. Just like the airport, you are not allowed "past this point" but that very first bit is okay if your son wants you there.


For your son with Asperger's I'd encourage him to know that if he needs anything he he can ask the proctor because that's what they are there for. Go through the basic schedule so he knows what to expect and where you meet you.

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Here's another question. Cell phones are not allowed in the building at all, right? I suppose I should sit and wait  for a while when they first go in just in case they are rejected for some reason, like not liking their registration picture, or if my son encounters someone that doesn't know about the SAT student ID form that we had notarized due to his having no license or passport. If they do get in, how long will they be there so I know when to go back to get them?


I also thought cell phones were not allowed.  Ds did not take his.  Of course, they were released a full 45 minutes before they said they would be.  Thankfully, I was in the area, had shown up early, and was reading a book in the parking lot when I saw kids starting to come out.  I am not kidding you, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those kids pulled out their phones to start calling their rides.


Ds told me that the moderators of the test told the kids that they just needed to make sure that the phones were set to "no sound".  They did not even have them turn them off!  We were both stunned that the phones were even allowed in the test room, after reading the College Board's website.


Maybe you could contact your test site and ask to speak with someone who will be moderating the test and find out for sure if your site will allow at least a phone that is turned completely off.


We were taking the ACT, so I am not sure about the timing of the SAT.  When I signed Ds up for the test, they sent me an "Admission Ticket" to print out and bring with us that had his registration picture on it.  It also had instructions on what to bring and the timing of the test (although, like I said, they let out earlier than was stated on the paper).


Does the SAT send you an "Admission Ticket" or form to get into to the test, as well?

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