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Taking Diatomaceous Earth orally? (Food grade!)


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My hubby tried DE for over a month while we were using it to get rid of fleas. We had food grade DE, so he'd have some every day with breakfast. He never noticed any discernible benefits from it for his colon problems.


It did work on getting rid of the fleas, though. 



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DE is not dirt, it's silica, and even food grade is incredibly irritating and dehydrating. I would be very careful  I have used food grade sparingly in the barn, and on my dogs. It is suggested one use a mask when dusting areas.  I wouldn't want children inhaling this on a regular basis, nor would I want them to experience the dehydration.


DE does work on ants and fleas.  It has limited use in the garden (it also destroys good pests, so you do have to be careful in application), but once it's wet, it changes properties/becomes ineffective, so you need to reapply.  I don't  understand how putting it in water leads to 'scrubbing'.

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Wow, that is a whole lot of claims about DE -- I've heard them before, but not sure I'm sold that they're all true. That said, I looked into take DE many years ago for treatment of intestinal worms and it worked for that purpose. I never noticed any problematic reactions to using it over a fairly extended period of time proactively against re-infestation. At the time, very little was written online about using DE internally in people, there is a whole lot more online about it now - not sure that means much though.

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The entire family is using it right now for a possible parasite problem.  Even the dog is taking it!  I have noticed no negative side effects and the children take it willingly in exchange for a chocolate chip.  I'm at the point where the taste doesn't even bother me anymore.  Ds, the purpose of the experiment, is sleeping better and seems to be calmer.  We have been taking DE for over a month and have two more months on the protocol.  

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