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A little warning/vent about Rosetta Stone

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Ok so most of you probably don't use the online version, but just in case- I got an email saying my account would auto-renew for the new year. I hate that!  Don't you dislike it when companies sell you something and then slyly find a way to keep on getting a few more dollars out of you?  I paid 250.00 for last year and wanted to let it run out.  


Secondly, I really hate it when I go to a website and I find that on every single page there is a BUY NOW or SUBSCRIBE NOW button, but I can't find the Cancel page or button.  It took me 10 minutes just to find where to cancel.


Then I tried to Cancel, and I got a page not working technical error, even trying on several different browsers.  Really?  What is wrong with this picture? 


Then, I tried to call and the phone was immediately answered by a salesman.  But alas, they only have salesmen working on Saturday. But, of course, there is no one there who can cancel a subscription or deal with a technical issue.


So there you have it.  Rosetta Stone is apparently one of those annoying companies that makes it amazingly easy to take your money, but they also use annoying tricks to get more of it, AND they make it really difficult to cancel.


vent over.



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Wow, that sucks! Was it at least a valuable or worthwhile purchase? Did it serve its purpose during the 12 months that you used it or did you not find it to your liking?

Math marm- it is a great product. It's easy to use and I did see definite progress and enjoyment. I personally believe that for older learners the grammar method would be more effective long term unless you move very fast thirty nit because you cannot retain the Spanish very well... I think it's a great product but unfortunately it went on the back burner sometimes and so we really did not get 250.00 worth. My dd also has a funk where she does not want to move on unless she scores 100 so she would re-do lessons many times which is really unnecessary because the program has built in review.

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Math marm- it is a great product. It's easy to use and I did see definite progress and enjoyment. I personally believe that for older learners the grammar method would be more effective long term

This was the case for us. My middle Dd switched from Rosetta Stone to A Beka this year. She not only enjoys it more, but feels like she is learning more. Both of my high schoolers have reported to me that they feel like they were not learning from Rosetta Stone. I'm sure they were learning, but it just wasn't the best approach for them. I know several people use Rosetta stone successfully.

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We've had this for years and can't use the stupid thing because every time we try it says theres an error and my husband has to go through a huge issue to fix it and if we want help from the stupid company we have to pay 99.00 for one year of help!AAAAANNNDDDDD when my oldest 2 were using it we had to disable the part that listens and tells if you are saying things right or wrong but it kept saying they were saying things wrong even though they were not because my dh is Hispanic and he said they were.

BIG waste of money. HUGE.

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Yeah.....so I'm going to get Spanish for Children for my dd even though it's not cheap I will feel like we are really getting somewhere. And for my ds next year, we are doing Galore Park Spanish 1.  I like the step by step textbook approach.  OR we may just switch to Latin which I think might be very beneficial in many ways.  Around here almost all the kids are bilingual in Mandarin, or Korean, or Spanish.  So, learning Latin would be something different.  :o)

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Yeah.....so I'm going to get Spanish for Children for my dd even though it's not cheap I will feel like we are really getting somewhere. And for my ds next year, we are doing Galore Park Spanish 1.  I like the step by step textbook approach.  OR we may just switch to Latin which I think might be very beneficial in many ways.  Around here almost all the kids are bilingual in Mandarin, or Korean, or Spanish.  So, learning Latin would be something different.   :o)

Is that the one by Classical Academic Press? I am using their Song School Spanish and love it!

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I hate when I can't figure out how to cancel things too (or how to say no to some pop-up ads!)



...and if you buy their discs you can't resell them...or if you do buy a used set you can't even use them. 


My friend loaned me her set, and we haven't had any problems. In fact, we even had a computer die and had to reload it on a new computer--it wouldn't work without a code because it had been loaded on the max number of computers. My dh called the company, told them we were borrowing it, and they still gave him a code. 

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