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Friday's Teachers Lounge 1-31-2014


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Welcome to the LAST day of January 2014! How did THAT happen??


And Welcome to the Teachers Lounge!


No Students Allowed!


This is where Moms, Dads, guardians, grandparents, whoever is teaching the kiddos, can come relax, put your feet up, and shoot the breeze!

Or take a nap! Might even have a snack! 


The current status in my house is one child studying, one outside playing with a friend, Mom (me) who just submitted an outline (shudder) for her own homework,

and one sick hubby home from work. Despite being sick, he is currently, willingly, cooking me some eggs. He cooks them SO much better than I do, that I pretty

much don't even cook them anymore. I'm taking a short break between homework assignments, then it's back to the books. My son may not get beyond the math

homework he did this morning but I'm okay with that! Spent yesterday morning with sick hubby at the VA, don't remember much of the afternoon, and the evening not

feeling well myself. I have discovered that wheat and I are no longer friends and think that might have been my stomach's nemesis yesterday.


What's going on in your world? Any plans for the weekend? Here: ds has a boys choir audition tomorrow in the AM.  Beyond that, I don't know!


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!   Now, if no students are allowed, does that mean that you are not allowed?  


My world has just been (mildly) turned upside down with the declaration yesterday by the in-laws that the kids and I are spending the weekend painting their house.  Now, before you give me a treatise on boundaries, MIL just had a stroke and FIL has Alzheimers and neither can do this and it is very possible that they thought they had asked us but then forgot to actually do the asking.  And the house really does need to be painted because they are moving yet again to a place better suited to their needs.  So, I am working through my feelings of selfishness and feeling put upon and am reminding myself that there is a real need here and we will do what we can.  But there are certain appointments and needs of our own that we will work around - so we're not sacrificing everything to the altar of "helping family".  Other family members are helping too as they are able so it isn't just us. 



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Scrap - hope all feels better in your household soon.


Jean -- you are a good dil


We are on the lazy train here.  Well I am anyway.  Kiddos have been fairly busy.  They decided cleaning was better than school work this morning so who was I to stop their work ;)   After they vacuumed, started a load of laundry, swept and washed the breakfast dishes they started on school work. :D


Now they are eating lunch and watching a tv show. 


We have no plans for the weekend.  Money is short so we will hang around the house.

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Baseball mom, what is your secret? How did you get your kids to do that??


Jean, lest I sound like Magdalena Yoder in one of Tamar Myers Pennsylvania Dutch mysteries, while I am, in fact, I do not plan my own lessons nor grade my own work

but for those that need it, let me clarify. No students, currently being homeschooled by this that or the other guardian, are allowed in the Lounge. And smart alecks may just

find their way out into the elements. B)   As for your mini-mission this weekend, you're right to do it and ignore any negative thoughts about it. Kudos to you!


And now I need to read some more of my own homework (not being homeschooled, technically) before playing taxi to my daughter's drama class.


Later, gators!



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I feel so lonely in the Lounge. Both last week and this week, we have had very few people stopping by. Where is everyone??

Karen and Margaret, you know how much I want to be in Colorado, I may start stalking you!  B)   Just kidding! (Maybe.)


Well, I'm about to haul my lazy derriere off the delapidated (sp?) computer chair and go scrub toilets. Oh, joy!


Anyone want to do it for me?  LOLOLOLOLOLOL    :D

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I'd be very sad if wheat and I could no longer be friends!


And if I had to spend a weekend painting my own home, much less my in-laws' ...


But I'd be a very happy bear if my kids preferred cleaning to school! I made them that offer today, and they enthusiastically chose school. Which is just as well because I much prefer my cleaning to theirs. ;)


I'm not sure I could do 12 days without a car. I've been 2 days without, and am going crazy. I'm borrowing my brother's car, but it's not "home" - you know? The cup holders aren't in the right place, his radio stations are awful, and it doesn't have that funky kid-smell to it. LOL (I suppose I could get used to that last bit.)


Tomorrow my son, brother and I are re-certifying (soccer refs). Sunday is Super Bowl, and we always get together at my brother's. This year he got called in for an emergency work assignment, but we're going to hang out at his house any way. :D I just have to remember to leave some chili and fixin's for him, for when he gets home. I may or may not leave some beer, it just depends on what he has on hand - if it's good or not. LOL


Happy the weekend is here!


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This has been a rotten month for us. I really feel January is the month of Mondays. It seems so every year.


Dh's work changed the way he is paid so now I am trying to force my bank account into having babies so I can pay the bills for the next month AND feed us all.


School was meh! So much so that I was heard to declare I want to quit. I had to restart twice with both younger boys. {Anybody want to buy some slightly used K12 Grade 3 LA materials?} Olders started new stuff that half was a bad, bad fit. Still waiting for math to arrive. Almost 18 yr old just wants to be done with school but has no other direction.


My house feels too small what with the noise level and two teens but compared to many homes, it is spacious {2000sqft and 4bds/1 story}. My 2nd bath has the baseboards coming off cause, let's face it, boys cannot aim. The cieling is coming down in there due to a burning question one un-named son had about what happens or how long can you spray the ceiling with the shower water until it starts to flake off. Oh and it has 4 colors on the walls because I was trying to decide what color to paint it... 2 yrs ago. DD won't even use that bathroom.


Enough whining. We are blessed. January just makes it so hard to see it.

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