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Lit Studies

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I looking for a Lion Witch and Wardrobe unit study for ASAP, and some direction for middle grades. I own the Memoria Press study for LWW, but feel that it is extremely heavy handed and in my mind, unusable. I usually like MP's stuff. Ack.


We've always just narrated reading, but we are moving into literature. Can I get away with just using Figuratively Speaking (which someone gave to me) and keep reading from a good book list? What gaps would we have with Literature if we did?



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This is what I came up with. I would consider it an assignment sheet for Well Trained Mind style language arts for grades 5 and 6. I hope it is okay to share:



Hope its helpful to someone.

I was thinking about doing this for quite some time now! Now, there is no need!

Thanks a bunch!


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