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So, what creative excuse does YOUR 14 yo use to avoid showering?

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So far, I've gotten


1. I showered yesterday. (Yes, dear, and you also had five hours of soccer practice after the shower, slept, ate, and are heading back out the door to practice--you don't want the goalie to faint from the odor do you??)


2. I didn't need soap; I just scrubbed hard with water. (Dh is a chemist and explained to him that body odor is mostly butyric acid and won't dissolve well in water; Mom is a chemist, too, and explain to dh that butyric acid is a four-carbon carboxylic acid and is likely decently water-soluble; son slunk back to his room is disgust! LOL)


3. I don't need to shower today. I did a carwash yesterday. (Yes, dear, but did you shove the soap into your armpits or did you clean cars.)


4. I don't smell. (Well, dear, why is the fern you are standing next to slumping over suddenly?)


Did I miss the memo on showers being banned? Am I just the meanest mom in the world? Do I just have a sensitive nose??

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I think it gets better with time. I've chased my 14 yos into the shower his whole life. He still thinks it takes too much of his precious time. The other night after soccer he took a shower without prompting. I was shocked. He said it felt good to be clean. I nearly passed out. Now if he (and his friends) will remember deodorant without being nagged I'll be really happy. :)

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I think it gets better with time. I've chased my 14 yos into the shower his whole life. He still thinks it takes too much of his precious time. The other night after soccer he took a shower without prompting. I was shocked. He said it felt good to be clean. I nearly passed out. Now if he (and his friends) will remember deodorant without being nagged I'll be really happy. :)
I hope you are recovering well from that shocking episode! I'm still waiting for that day! :D
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We still have to TELL my almost 14yodd to take a shower every other day. At least it's not as bad as it used to be. But to avoid that, she just puts off getting dressed for as long as possible. It's a battle I fight gently--but I try to have it won by noon.


(Um, WHY can't we post anonymously again?)



I am glad I am not the only one with a daughter like that! :D

mine is the *same* way........


and yeah...anonymous would be good for times like this:o

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I'm well over it. LOL Tonight on the way to soccer ds says, "Man I stink!" Yep, it's been a no deodorant day in 94 degree heat. Oy. :glare:
Yep, you definitely have made progress with him! My ds seems oblivious to the smell still :confused: How can he miss it?


Last week ds14 had a friend and ds17 had a friend staying here for 5 days. OY! I'd walk in a room where the 4 of them were, and YIKES! Lets just say I'd leave ASAP! Maybe it was a plot to keep me out???:tongue_smilie:

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Yep, you definitely have made progress with him! My ds seems oblivious to the smell still :confused: How can he miss it?


Last week ds14 had a friend and ds17 had a friend staying here for 5 days. OY! I'd walk in a room where the 4 of them were, and YIKES! Lets just say I'd leave ASAP! Maybe it was a plot to keep me out???:tongue_smilie:


Oh my goodness, I've lived through that. It took a couple days of airing out the room to get the smell out. Yuck. Stinky boys!

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Mine likes to emerge from his room fully dressed first thing in the morning.


Our mornings go something like:


"Uh...no. I know what clothes you wore yesterday, and those are not it. Just because you are wearing the next days' clothes does not mean you are ready for the day...and it also doesn't mean that those new clothes are necessarily clean now, either--Yuk!! So get yourself in that shower and don't come out until you smell differently--and by differently I mean better!"





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I am glad I am not the only one with a daughter like that! :D

mine is the *same* way........


and yeah...anonymous would be good for times like this:o


Add another dd (or two, actually) to that tally!


My favorite one so far is, "But I just straightened my hair!! The humidity of a shower will RUIN it!" :001_huh:

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I am glad I am not the only one with a daughter like that! :D

mine is the *same* way........


and yeah...anonymous would be good for times like this:o




I'm in the back raising my hand (& covering my face)

my DD has too many other things to do than shower.


I had a doctor tell me once, instead of nagging try choosing my battles.

She did not bathe for WEEKS, till i could not take it anymore and demanded she shower.


Now we are back to the daily nagging.


I don't get it though...


When she does take a shower she stays in there for 30 mins. I wonder if she is just trying to take a weeks worth at one time??

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