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How old is your high school freshman? Or…..


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Not sure what the "summer birthday dilemma" is or why that would cause anyone to enter 9th grade as a "young 15 year-old." :confused1:


If for some reason my parents or the school had decided that I was too young with a July birthday to enter first grade the September after I turned 6, that would have made me 7 entering first grade instead of 6, and therefore at least a year older than most of the other children in my class, and certainly not a "young 15" when I entered ninth grade. :confused1:


Maybe "young" was the wrong adjective.  But what I mean is, the large majority of kids are 14 when they start 9th grade here, but some -- if their birthday is in the summer and if their parents waited to start them in kindergarten until they were 6 -- will begin 9th grade as a newly-turned 15 year-old. 


For some reason it IS a dilemma here, for a lot of parents.  If a child turns 5 in the summer, then there is a lot of discussion as to whether to start him in school right away in the fall, or to wait until he turns 6.

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The cutoff here is September 1st. Students are supposed to be 5yo by September 1st of the year they start kindergarten.

This means that kids are 14yo or about to turn 14yo when 9th grade starts the last week of August and they turn 15yo either during 9th grade or during the summer between 9th and 10th grades.

My dd is 15y8m and in 10th grade.

If there are lots of red-shirters in your area, then age will be higher for 10th grade.

I did bump my middle dd up one year. Her birthday was at the end of September. According to school cutoffs, she would be in 12th grade this year, but she is in her first year of college. She turned 18yo five weeks after classes started.

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Glad you're doing well. I know it is a hard adjustment back to civilian style life for lots of women. I have a good friend who is a speech pathologist, but I know the licensing stuff is different in every state. If you ever need a friendly ear, let me know. ((HUGS))


It has been a HARD adjustment to civilian life, really for all 3 of us.


My dd12 is doing the best out of all of us.  I couldn't put her in the local middle school because their solution for her math "problem" was to send her to the high school daily.  She was going to take algebra at 12 with a bunch of 15-16 year olds.


Um.  No.


My ds15 is having a hard time adjusting to daddy not being around and generally being an a$$ about being available.  He is *really* having a hard time to not homeschooling.


Most of my problems are simply not being around people who understand.  We are really close to an AFB, but it's small and I've only met a few AF wives.  Most of the people I know are "normal" civilians.


No one seems to understand the:  I've been in this house for one year now (this was a few months ago) and since I'm not moving………. I need to rearrange furniture.


Or, LOL, why I refer to purchasing food as, "going to the commissary" even when I'm headed to Walmart.


I still have base access, mostly because the actual divorce is taking so cotton-pickin long, so that helps my mind a bit…. but I won't have it for much longer.


Civilian life is hard.




ETA:  I wrote an email today to my Psychology instructor.  She made a comment in my latest essay about something I had said, which was something to the effect that men are financial providers.  She commented, "…don't you see more and better female providers?"


Um, no!!  Not in the world I lived in for the past 16 years.  The largest percentage of people I've encountered over the past 16 years were AD men of various branches and their wives.  Some of those wives worked, some of those wives had careers, but for the majority of the families: the AD husband's income was greater than the wive's income.

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