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using a dictionary, alphabetizing, other stuff I might forget


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Do these things show up in your curriculum?  When do you teach this?  I have shown my girls here and there when it comes up in our daily life.  (At the library looking for books, looking up a word in the dictionary, etc.)  I am just wondering if this ought to show up in the grammar program I am using?  I see some alphabetizing in R&S spelling 3 book I have…  But not sure if we'll be using that.  Just wondering!


ETA: okay, I am looking at FLL level 3 contents online and I see there is a dictionary use section.  Sorry I asked!  We'll probably continue with FLL so I guess we'll get to that.

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If in 18 years, neither you or your children need to do it, then it's probably not important.


I'm a checklist OCD person, but at least I know that if it doesn't come up in daily life in 18 years, then even if it does come up in daily life later, it's probably not so critical. And it's the type of thing the average PS raised kid isn't going to know either.


Yeah, yeah, you still want the checklist. So do I. :lol: But just...rest assured that it's okay when we never find the curriculum or checklist we think we want.

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If you do want something extra to cover those things, Mary Pecci's Word Skills is a big book of simple, home-made worksheets, covering:


- plurals

- roots & endings

- syllables

- compound words

- possessives

- contractions

- prefixes

- suffixes

- alphabetizing

- dictionary skills



See sample pages here. Also available at Amazon and on Ebay.



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Thank you all.  It's just not something I want to forget… but it would have to come up if it's useful, right, like Hunter said.


I also just don't know when (age/level) to expect a child to learn these sorts of things.  I have shown her how to find her favorite authors at the library, and she's pretty good with that, but she got very frustrated looking something up in the dictionary the other day.  She's only 7.  I figure she's not quite ready for a college dictionary.  :tongue_smilie:

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This is the dictionary I use for my beginner students, but 7 is young even for this one. I'd either wait a bit, or purchase a children's dictionary for this year.


Merriam Webster's Concise Dictionary Large Print Edition



I'm big on teaching dictionary respellings as soon as possible, so students can look up how to SAY a word, as well as the definition. This large print dictionary has big respellings, and bulls eye definitions. I'm able to use it with 3rd grade level students.

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This is the dictionary I use for my beginner students, but 7 is young even for this one. I'd either wait a bit, or purchase a children's dictionary for this year.


Merriam Webster's Concise Dictionary Large Print Edition



I'm big on teaching dictionary respellings as soon as possible, so students can look up how to SAY a word, as well as the definition. This large print dictionary has big respellings, and bulls eye definitions. I'm able to use it with 3rd grade level students.

Thank you for that.  I do have a primary dictionary.  This one http://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Websters-Primary-Dictionary-Merriam-Webster/dp/0877791740

 She needs one a level up though.  This primary one is good for my 1st grader.  They love to use it.  I like the idea of having large print.  (Even for myself - I am in need of glasses.)

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I may have to get this dictionary. It would be more her level. Would there be anything wrong with using a child's dictionary rather than the ones we have on our shelf?

I'm not sure what you are asking. Does "on our shelf" mean a collegiate dictionary?


I think children's dictionaries are like Bible story books. People love them or hate them. And once the choice is made, then the instructor accommodates both the pros and cons of the choice, Just don't try and use an assignment designed for one with the other.

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I'm not sure what you are asking. Does "on our shelf" mean a collegiate dictionary?


I think children's dictionaries are like Bible story books. People love them or hate them. And once the choice is made, then the instructor accommodates both the pros and cons of the choice, Just don't try and use an assignment designed for one with the other.


yep, I only have dictionaries (other than the primary one) for my use on the shelf - they're collegiate.

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I totally forgot to teach it.  I mean, we did a little bit about using a dictionary and my kids know how to do searches online and use their Kindle dictionaries as they read.  But not other stuff.  I was glad to realize that AAS, which we started late, ended up covering it.  It was pretty simple stuff once they practiced it a few times.

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I guess Students of the Word curriculum got me all overkill about teaching dictionary respellings. Also, many of my students don't pronounce basic words properly. And there is another tutor here that said that it was impossible to learn to read dictionary respellings; talk about inspiration to learn. :D


Using the dictionary just happens here. If it pops up in whatever curriculum I'm teaching, all the better. But mostly it just happens.


I've tried using different dictionaries, but the student favorites are the one I linked to that is actually designed for people with sight problems, and believe it or not--the Scrabble Dictionary. :lol: The Scrabble Dictionary gives one word definitions.

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