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Jousting Armadillos concurrent with Singapore 5?


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Singapore has worked really well for my almost 9-year old. She's about 3/4 of the way through 5A, and we use IP, CWP, MEP and even some Life of Fred thrown in to make sure we're covering everything.


But, she's bored by Singapore 5. She flies through the work, and we're really just kind of going through the motions at this point. She does understand that she has to cover all this stuff and is not resisting, but she's been begging me to start on pre-A. She'll say things like "these word problems are making me do a little algebra...I know I'm doing it mom...come on, let me start algebra..."


So, would Jousting Armadillos be ok to start before she finishes Singapore 5? And then she could finish 5 more slowly while she starts on JA. Or would we quickly get into trouble because she hasn't covered certain things yet?


She loooooves Penrose the Mathematical Cat, and from what I've seen of the sample problems, Jousting Armadillos seems to have the same feel to it. But, would there be something better than JA to do with a kid like this? Thank you thank you!

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Since I don't have any personal experience with Jousting Armadillos or a child your age, I'm mainly commenting to bump your thread. :) But it seems to me that if what she is doing is not challenging her and if she is begging to do something else, you should take that seriously. If whatever you choose is too difficult, you can always backtrack or fill in gaps some other way. 


Hope that helps! :)

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We are doing something similar by using the green dolciani (new edition) prealgebra and Alcumus for dd8 with Singapore Standards. She does a little Alcumus every day. Singapore is 3-4 days/ week and PreA is 1-2. We do math an hour a day. She usually completes 3 exercises in Singapore or 1 lesson in Dolciani + some IP each day.


There are amble samples for JA online, you could give it a try- you don't have anything to lose.

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I don't know.


But I am thinking of one day doing Jousting Armadilos. But considering we are just start Singapore 4A now and Beast Academy 4A now is not the time.

I decided to backtrack a bit and give Beast Academy a try, before moving her on from Singapore 5. I checked out the samples, and I liked the problems a lot better than the Singapore CWP. If it's too repetitive, I'll save it for my little one.

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But, she's bored by Singapore 5. She flies through the work, and we're really just kind of going through the motions at this point. She does understand that she has to cover all this stuff and is not resisting, but she's been begging me to start on pre-A. She'll say things like "these word problems are making me do a little algebra...I know I'm doing it mom...come on, let me start algebra..."




I guess I also should say this is where we are. I see growth while she does the Singapore pages. I know she needs them, even if she moves through them at a blistering speed. That's why we went ahead and started PreA part time. Any PreA book your dd likes might work. JA is very kid-friendly.


Looking back through old posts, I see lots of bright kids ready to jump ship in 5A. I think 5A/B are worth finishing, and your idea of doing JA at the same time might work.

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We are doing something similar by using the green dolciani (new edition) prealgebra and Alcumus for dd8 with Singapore Standards. She does a little Alcumus every day. Singapore is 3-4 days/ week and PreA is 1-2. We do math an hour a day. She usually completes 3 exercises in Singapore or 1 lesson in Dolciani + some IP each day.


There are amble samples for JA online, you could give it a try- you don't have anything to lose.

Your day sounds like a much more interesting math day than ours! I'm excited to try all this stuff by the AoPS people--someone posted this wonderful talk, and it really persuaded me to slow things down and spend way more time each day on tackling the word problems: http://mathprize.atfoundation.org/archive/2009/Rusczyk_Problem_Solving_Presentation_at_Math_Prize_for_Girls_2009.pdf


I'll have to check out Alcumus too. Gosh, I'm so thankful for these forums!

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