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What to pair with GSWS?


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My family is getting ready to use Getting Started With Spanish but I'd like something to go along with it for more practice. My 8th grader has been using Visual Link... But I'd like to find something else for my 2nd and 5th grader. Dh and I are getting into Visual Link and I've checked out Duolingo already. Any suggestions for those of you who use GSWS or have in the past? Maybe a workbook type of practice?



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Full disclosure: we haven't used GSWS, although we are using GSWL.


In 2nd my dc liked Salsa, from Georgia Public Broadcasting. Tin Man Press has a set of active worksheets we have enjoyed that involve logical thinking, small art, and lots of vocabulary. We are also slowly reading through Sapo y Sepo (Frog and Toad) a page or two at a time and then translating and talking about verb conjugations.


We do each of these maybe one day a week for variety. Oh, you and your dh might enjoy listening to News in Slow Spanish - discussion of current news, a little grammar, and an idiom. I think the podcast is about 20 minutes long.


¡Buena suerte!

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