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American history 1&2 graders


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We are currently doing SOTW Ancients for first and second grade- mostly we are just reading with a few projects and very little of anything else.  :)  My kids hate the mapwork, abhor the narrations, and don't really like to color in pictures.  But they enjoy history, so that's really all I want.


This summer I thought we might do American history.  I'm going to use LIberty Kids because I have it and they haven't seen it yet.  We will re read the Felicity books for the American Revolution.  We did a pretty in depth coverage of Native American history, Plimoth and the Mayflower (because we visited), and Columbus this year just because. 


I'm wondering if there is a list of books out there already that I can draw from.  I know I can put it together myself, but I also don't want to miss any great books.  We will most likely just read a lot.  That seems to be how my kids like to learn- listening to me read, listening to audiobooks, and watching the occasional show.


I did see Adventures in America mentioned here, but I don't think it would be a good fit.  I'm really just looking for a spine.  Hmmm, I suppose a big encyclopedia might work.  We love the Usborne World History one...




Thanks!  Chelsea

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Ok, so after a few hours of thinking (I'm a night shift worker, that's why I"m posting at 3am) I've come up with an outline for the summer.


Native people



American Revolution


Westward Expansion

CIvil War


I think my kids will enjoy these topics.  My goal is really just exposure and enjoyment (loved that thread about history). I have some ideas for books, but I'd love to hear any favorites for the 7-9 year old crowd.  I'd be reading aloud, so reading level isn't important. 


Also, we live in New England, so we have tons of opportunities for field trips.  That may be why I'm so excited to start American hx.


thanks.  :)

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We are doing two years of US History with my 1st and 3rd graders. Our plans are up on my blog. It is based on the Complete Book of US History. It has readers, read alouds, (including many Sonlight and American Girl book), notebooking pages, coloring pages, and project ideas.



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We are doing two years of US History with my 1st and 3rd graders. Our plans are up on my blog. It is based on the Complete Book of US History. It has readers, read alouds, (including many Sonlight and American Girl book), notebooking pages, coloring pages, and project ideas.




What a wonderful schedule you created. Thanks for posting it.

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