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I used it one year for my son. It does adjust the lessons (ie they can't move on till a certain score, though you can pick the lesson to use), but it has timers and requires typing. DS was not ready for that at the time and got frustrated, so I went back to the books. Material is about the same. I don't recall there being the "pick the sentence to go with the picture" type activities like in the book.They had to earn some "tokens" before they could go to free time to play free games (I think you could adjust that).  But this was about 4 years ago (DS was 6).

Maybe someone who has used it more recently can help you.

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We tried it and hated it.  I hated having to log them out, log me in, change the level, log me out, then log them back in any time I wanted to change it, only to have it change it back.  I felt it was inappropriate developmentally to give 5 and 6 yos timed typing tests, which was what it amounted to.  That was the main thing I kept trying to change, but the computer knows better, so as a teacher you don't really have any control over it.  I, as a reading adult, couldn't get the highest mark on some of the tests.  The cute but slightly obscure pictures, which are kind of fun in the books, just became annoying when you were trying to remember that a guy in a hammock was "nap" and not something else.  And finally, my ds who was reading short chapter books with a little help began doing worse than my ds who was just blending because that ds was better at gaming the timed tests.  That was the point at which I realized it was a complete waste for us.

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We looove it. My son is not doing timed tests bc I find them useless. I can adjust anything I want.


I didn't put the "game" button, so he doesn't even know it exists. Sometimes the software skips some level for him, but I take him back.


He was bored with book version bc it wasn't colorful and not fun for him and on-line thing is working great. And yes, they do have "match the sentence with the picture".


They also started having "fill in the blank". Can't say enough good things about it!!

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My dd got frustrated because she couldn't type fast enough to get the airplane (perfect score).  I used it with her and typed for her...did not like that she couldn't do it independently.  I bought the books instead and she ended up enjoying them more than the online version.

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But when we used it, the timed aspect was built in and could not be changed and the teacher had extremely limited control over what level a child did.  If they have changed that, that's radically different from the program we used, so I can't really comment on it.

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I am bumping this in case anyone else has any input.  I bought the first ETC workbook for my son and am now trying to figure out if I should go to the second book or skip to the third (the first is really easy for him--I'm not even going to make him finish it b/c it amounts to busy work). I like the idea of having one online 'thing' he does (we do no other online schooling) and the idea of being able to jump to different levels easily without having to puzzle over which book to purchase.  We would not use the timed option because that would only frustrate him.  I decided to come here to search and see if anyone has used it before, and found this thread.


Anyone else have thoughts?

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We are using it right now but have never tried the book...it is hard to get the best score and that is causing some frustration...it does adjust but just going back to the previous game.  I do like it because my dd can type better than write so it takes out that frustration.

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I just told my son, who is a "slight" perfectionist that we are not trying to teach him to type right now, we have a separate program for that. 


I also told him that his grandfather, who obviously reads very well, couldn't get the "perfect" score either bc he can't type at all.


It worked.  He doesn't care about getting airplanes anymore.


Oh and I also like that they tell you the rules and review it too, so I don't have to worry about pronouncing everything correctly since English is not my native language

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