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Friday's Teachers Lounge 1-10-2014


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Happy Friday to you!


Who has started school already? Who tried to start and was interrupted? Who's just not ready?


I fall into the categories of the second and third questions.


Wasn't ready this last Monday so we visited Nana and Grandpa instead. Tuesday, I shuffled the kids off to 

various places, with assigned schoolwork, some of which got done, some didn't. Wednesday I wound up in the ER

in the morning but they actually followed my written instructions! Thursday morning and early afternoon, we worked

on household chores and character building and then I wound up in the ER again that afternoon. This morning I am home,

feeling somewhat better, but taking it easy. Told the youngest to work on some Bible verses and he had a meltdown. Probably

won't get any academic work done today (except DD's Biology) but will work on household responsibilities and character building

some more.  And despite being low on funds, we may just go out for lunch anyway because I don't have the energy to cook as full

a meal as I'm hungry for!


Snacks in the lounge today include individual packets of almonds, some macadamia nuts, a pistachio mix, turkey bacon, and lean beef burgers on 

mini-bagels around lunchtime. If you want some gluten free goodies, maybe we can talk Karen into whipping up one of the mixes I have on hand.

I have a REALLY nice mixer to use for that, too!


What are you all up to today? My friend's husband and 3 oldest kids are heading to a town 3 hours west of here for a weekend swim meet.


Know of any good restaurant deals going on right now? I could sure use one!


Excuse me now while I go take a nap on the couch.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi Ya, Scrap!  The ER!  Are you ok?  Take it easy, please.


I did not sleep well last night.  I am not ready for school today.  I basically know what we're going to do though.


I am on a low-spend January kick and am avoiding even looking at restaurants.


Prednisone is making my blood sugar soar so I'm trying to be extra careful about what I'm eating.  



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Normal?  How dreadful.  :)  Make sure your cardiologist takes you seriously or find a new one.  Anything that has you at the ER needs a good look-see.


I'm taking older dd to the doc to get her knees looked at.  She's been limping and complaining since we went skiing last week.


When I get back, I'll make some gf blueberry waffles and some gf brownies, if you like.   I'm also grilling some lamb chops later if you want to stick around.  It is risotto, lamb and kale for dinner tonight.  I feel bad because this week so far we've already had pasta, something with rice, chicken nuggets and pizza.  I should probably cook something.


School is going full-scale here.  Older is doing a week-long project on the history of runes, and younger is doing her lovely Waldorf school along with some extra math at home everyday.


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We were back to school on Thursday the 2nd. 

Two days ago Youngest was acting like his brain was full and he just couldn't handle more school. Today Eldest also caught the feeling. This has never happened before. I am just doing super school lite since they have turned into sieves. Well a sieve might be an improvement sicne the information would be passing through at least. 

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Julie, maybe building a fort (inside or outside) would help. A little something different, you know, without getting too off track!


Karen I'll take ou up on the waffles and brownies. sounds delightful! As for that week long Rune project, how did you all come up with THAT? Sounds fascinating! In regards to the doctor, they just called me a bit ago to schedule a stress test for first thing Monday morning. We'll see how that goes. I've been doing lots of research and notating my symptoms.

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Waffles and brownies coming right up.


A week-long project is a great way to start back after vacation.  She picked the topic which had to be from our history time period. She has to account for 40 hours of work roughly divided between research, writing and something she makes.  Her paper has to be 2-3 pages double-spaced.  Her project must fit into roughly a 2x2 space (otherwise it could be huge).  




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Karen, is this your 13 or 9 year old? Might have to do something like that with my 15 year old!


My daughter is currently in the process of baking zucchini bread (gluten free), so that will be available shortly.

I also scored a deal on bread at my local Kroger store (known as Fry's here). A friend had posted on facebook that there

were a slew of Managers Specials at her store so I thought I'd go looking  I even scored some pork stew meat. Not usually

my choice of meat, but I can do crockpot stew, so maybe it will cook the pork better than I can!


I also plan on making some fresh salsa with all the tomatoes, green onions, and cilantro I have!


Then I may take a nap! Whew!

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Fresh Salsa?  I have bean & rice chips.


The project is for my 13yo.  My 9yo is reading Farmer Boy, painting watercolors and playing outside as much as possible.  I have writing guidelines if you'd like to borrow them although my dd is only following them loosely.


A nap sounds good too.  I got up at 5 this morning in a misguided attempt to turn my night-self into a morning person.  I'm not sure I'll even stay awake long enough to have a glass of wine with my dinner.



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I'll see your chips and salsa, and raise you some guacamole! I'm diabetic and some of the other offerings are so tempting but naughty for me.


We did school today. It's the other days this week that weren't as successful. Figures, we hit our stride right before the weekend. ;) Today I'm going to my nephew's basketball game and dinner with friends. One of my mom friends is in a rough place, so some of us are taking her to dinner and some of us are taking her kids for the night.


It sounds like a few of y'all are also going through "less than ideal" times, also. Some days it's all we can do to keep chugging along.  The good company here helps, so thanks for that. :)





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