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For those that have used Progressive Phonics...


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We are about half-way through the intermediate books. I imagine that we will finish the advanced books by the end of the summer, and I am thinking about next year. If you used Progressive Phonics, what did you do next? Was your child able to start short Scholatic-type readers or did you use another reading program after? He's also reading the Bob books, but those jump ahead rather quickly and don't seem to have as logical a progression to them. But, assume that we will have completed all the Bob books as well.


Since this is the first child I've taught to read, I'm just not sure what to expect in terms of how fast his reading will take off and where to go from here. Thanks so much for any input on how to proceed. 

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Phonics Pathways...but we were able to skip to halfway through the book.


Thanks for the replies. I looked at this, but am not sure how this differs from something like OPGTR, which my son hated (which is why we moved to PP). Would you mind telling me how this differs from OPGTR? I don't want to overlook a great resource, but also don't want to duplicate something that hasn't worked for us. Thanks!

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