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To all you food preservation moms . . . would you like a weekly accountability thread?


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Well, the book reading people have one (myself a proud member), and the budget-conscious people have one, and the crafty people have one, and the dieting people have one, and the exercising people have one (thinking about that one), and the who's-going-to-tackle . . . people have one.


Would I have company if we had a What are You Putting Up weekly thread?


We could post about what we're pressure canning, bath canning, freezing, drying, et c.  


I had to order a new ring for my pressure canner so I could put up some beans.  It came yesterday and I'll be putting up chickpeas.

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While it sounds like a good idea, I suspect it would be a thread that would die pretty quickly.  I put up a lot of stuff but the whole reason I spend the time doing it is so that I DON'T have to spend time every week processing stuff.  Also it's deep winter where I am.  There really isn't much to put up right now and won't be for at least 4-5 months.  But hopefully people will prove me wrong because I would like to do more in this area.

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I'm sad that I can't pressure can right now.  The stovetop in the house we're renting is glass, and apparently using a pressure-canner is a no-no.  We have a big outdoor camp stove that I could use on the back porch, but we made the mistake of getting rid of our propane tank when we moved, and I don't feel like paying $45 for a new one.


Just feel sorry for me. :)

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It's pretty hard to do anything during the winter here. Usually in the late summer and fall I can, freeze, and dry like a mad woman to try and put enough by to get us most the way through the winter. I have carrots in the shop under a grow light right now but that's not preserving, that's just me trying to get good seed without competing with some of the wild stuff here that would cross pollinate with them in the summer. Mid summer I can start doing Jams and a few pies and such with the berries. But for now, I am just planning my garden that I can start on in 2 1/2 more months.

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