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How to make the 10th birthday a special one? Ideas?


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DD is turning 10 in April....now that Christmas is over, I want to begin planning. I'm a planner LOL. Now that she's going into the double digits, I want it to be a special party. She's very shy and quiet and has never had very many friends. She has a few this year that she's made.


I was thinking on letting her have a friend party on the weekend with the theme of her choice (right now it's looking like Minecraft could win out). Then I was thinking of taking her out on her actual birthday, just with her dad and I. I'll see if my mom can watch my other two kids. I thought that one on one parent time might be fun since she doesn't get much of that. We'll do lunch and maybe an activity of her choice. She'll get 10 gifts to open (ranging from small to bigger, of course.....can't have all ten be expensive things). And I wanted to use this opportunity to start a mom/daughter journal with her. One of those that we pass back and forth and write things to each other. She will LOVE this.


Any other ideas to make the 10th birthday a special one? I want to set the standard where our other two will look forward to their own 10th birthdays as well.

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If she doesn't already have her ears pierced and is wanting that 10 is a nice age for that.......as well as the first "bra".


10 is also a good age to do a weekend get away with mom to discuss more of the facts of life, puberty, upcoming changes, etc.


For a birthday though, some hotels will do a pool party where you can have a room with a few girls overnight or just come and swim and have pizza, etc. for a few hours. That might be a hit--esp. if you are in an area where it is cold.

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