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Friday's Teachers' Lounge 12-27-2013


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Happy Friday! I may not be in the Lounge much today as I believe I'm headed the direction of my dd - sick.

She had a dry cough for two days before she went into full blown fever mode yesterday.  I had the same kind of cough

visit me most of the day yesterday and am still coughing this morning. I will do my best through rest, colloidal silver, herbs,

etc, to stave it off. The bummer is today is my DH's birthday and I was hoping we could all go out to eat. I may just send him

and ds out to eat while dd and I stay cocooned at home.


Christmas here was busy and not as enjoyable as a busy one a couple of years ago. A few years back when Christmas was on 

Sunday, the kids and I truly enjoyed it because we opened some presents, went to church, came home and opened a few more, 

went to my sister's to have dinner with her, her son, and my mom and stepdad, then came home and opened more presents.

This year we woke up, opened some presents, went to see The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, came home and enjoyed the presents

we had already opened, hubby and I managed mini-naps, then went to do the whole dinner-at-sister's thing, came home and opened 

the remaining presents. I think part of the problem this year was several things: 1) DH had received some bad news at work but didn't tell

me until last night but it affected his mood during Christmas, 2) my nephew is a spoiled 17yo who sat on his duff nearly the whole time we were

there watching tv, never once offering to help his mom (and he's been this way for years), 3) it's that time of month for me, and 4) other things that

my tired brain can't think of right now.


Any of you just up and decide to spend holidays with people other than family?


On a more joyful note, what are you thankful for?  I'm thankful that I don't have a job that is requiring me to be there this week. I'm thankful I'm on break from

my own school. I'm thankful for a roof over our head and two vehicles that work. I'm thankful my neighbor's nephews are visiting so my ds has someone to play 

with this week. And I'm thankful for all of YOU!


When do you plan on starting the kids back to school? I had thought about January 2nd but may not until January 6th. I suppose it depends on if I have the first full

10 weeks of their semester planned by then. My own classes are 10 weeks long, so I'd like to not be doing any planning during that time, as my studies take quite a

bit of time!


Snacks in the lounge today: fuji apples, clementines, a pot of coffee, and a wide variety of tea.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!  


Christmas was a mixed bag for me.  The actual celebration of the birth of Christ with our immediate family was cozy and intimate.  There weren't a lot of gifts but there was a lot of appreciation.  A dear boardie here helped to make it more merry.  But - I was sick and have been sick for a couple of weeks now.  This morning was actually an improvement when I woke up with pink eye!  


Thankful - for very kind people who have been there for me in tough times.  Thankful that dh does have another job starting in a week, even though it will be a big paycut.


School - Jan 6


I love tea and clementines.  If you make it green tea I will feel like I'm back in Japan again.  

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Scrap -- hope you and your dd feel better soon. 


We were on the go most of Christmas day (going to visit various family). We got to stay home yesterday and hoping for the same today.


Thankful for a good Christmas. It was on the go but everyone got along at each house and had relaxed calm attitudes. 

Thankful for bil & sil cooking a big dinner on Christmas and asking us to come over, bring nothing then wouldn't let me clean.  After eating & visiting when I went to help clean sil said "nope take the kiddos home to enjoy there presents. you have been on the go all day" 

Thankful for dh having a job - it is way way less pay than his old job but it is a job (old job - place closed down) 

Thankful for being able to stay home yesterday and just relax


Still deciding on when to start back schooling.  If I can get my act together I will try to start Jan 2.  If not  it will be Jan 6.

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Jean, sorry you're sick, too! Reminds me of a time when I was in grade school and my parents had planned on having friends of the family over.

The parents had 3 girls with whom I got along. Well, the parents called mine that day and said they couldn't come over because two of the three girls 

were sick. My mom told them to bring them on over, anyway, since I was sick too! Turns out we all had the same virus so the girls and I spent the evening

resting and giggling in my room! So, Jean, we'll just section off a corner of the Lounge and hang out and giggle together! B)


Baseball mom, that was very sweet of your sister-in-law! Any time I go to my sister's or mom's, I'm always tasked to help with something or other. When we 

eventually get to move out of this townhouse into a bigger house, I think I'll have holiday dinners catered!

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Do you have a Hi-Health or GNC store near you? I highly suggest buying some colloidal silver (it's just a mixture of water and silver).

Put some in a dropper and put one drop in your eye. Or you can apply, gently, with a washcloth. Silver kills viruses and bacteria. It

really helps when we have gunky eyes!

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Quiet day here. Everyone just enjoying not having a schedule. Kids especially enjoying new walkie-talkies, Nerf guns and being outside on a sunny day. I finished rereading Surprised by Oxford and began to read carefully through the new writing curriculum from CAP that came today. Dh has been plunking on the piano most of the day and now is off to Home Depot.


Home Depot trips with no particular purpose are dangerous! Some random, unrealistic project in the works, no doubt.


We saw Frozen yesterday and I'm hoping to get to The Hobbit tomorrow afternoon. 


I am thankful for a quiet Christmas day and for a lovely worship service on Christmas Eve. I am thankful for my church family.

I am thankful that my mom lives here and that we could enjoy the season with her. I am thankful that DH has had yesterday and today off from work - he really needed the break. 


After some really selfish and unkind behavior by my MIL and SIL, I have had enough of my in-laws for a while and we are seriously considering finding a way to be with friends rather than DH's family next year on Christmas Eve. 


Rest up, y'all who are sick. Take those vitamins! Hope you feel better soon!


We had pistachios and grapes for a snack.

Dinner is meatloaf, smashed caulifower and sauteed spinach. Pumpkin pie for dessert. 


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