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Survive Finals?


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I am so glad to be done. Last final was yesterday and then we still had lecture following it and a few more quizzes due this week (quirk of weekend only programs I guess). But everything is done other than one simple project.


So grateful for a little break and need to get few more ducks in a row before the next starts to address some challenges I recognized over this one.

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Not only is my son relieved to be done with finals but....the entire semester, too.  He has been so sick this semester - first sinus infection, then strep throat, then passed out & after blood tests found out he had lyme disease, and for finals week he had a terrible "flu-like" bug!  Time to come home and recover!




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I tutor at the local CC. We had a student come in the week of lecture finals asking why he received a zero on his Chem lab final that was scheduled for that night. He had read the lecture final exam schedule, not realizing his lab final exam was the week before.

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My daughter has her last two finals back to back this morning in advanced chem and computer science. Her lab finals were last week, her math final was on Monday, and her honors class didn't have a final. So she'll be done for the semester in about two hours.


I'm going back to school next semester, so I'll be commiserating with her in the spring. :D 

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Not only is my son relieved to be done with finals but....the entire semester, too.  He has been so sick this semester - first sinus infection, then strep throat, then passed out & after blood tests found out he had lyme disease, and for finals week he had a terrible "flu-like" bug!  Time to come home and recover!





So sorry to hear this. My dd has been sick a couple of times this semester and it makes it much harder to be away from home. I hope your son has a good long break to build up his strength.

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  • 1 month later...

My son did very, very well on his Java final. The ds doing online DNR studies didn't have finals, just regular quizzes over the material.


I am happy to report that I aced my refresher music theory course !!!! :001_smile:  I'll embark on a music history one soon, and I may begin a class towards my master's. But, eldest ds is a senior next year, middle Is a junior, and youngest a "freshman" (he might graduate early, he might have a gap year, we aren't quite certain yet), so my hands will be full with that and my sideline business of wedding coordinating. Getting this master's degree may be a very, very slow going process.



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