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Keeping 15yo Aspie on task


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My daughter LOVES science and her favorite subject right now is Biology, despite how rigorous it is. However, if I don't remind her, she will completely forget to finish that homework BEFORE her weekly class at a homeschool resource center. She wants to go into marine biology so I don't want her to negate that opportunity. However, I also feel she needs to take responsibility for her work. So, should I remind her or not? Where's the balance/ the fine line?


Anyone BTDT (been there, done that):

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Just so you know too……I found an Algebra teacher for him (tutor).


She is making him start over again with Lesson 1, even though he was on lesson 24.


Why?????  Because he didn't do what I asked him to do the FIRST time, which was to watch the lesson first, then do the lesson, then check it with the teacher DVDs if he missed something.


We MIGHT finish Algebra by 12th grade……we might not.  It is the bane of our homeschooling at the moment!  We are on year 2 and still on lesson 1.  Yup, we are!  

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By the way, I do use Cozi to give my teen assignments, he can cross it off from his pc or his handheld.  I also have him doing weekly cozi assignments for himself for the Coursera course he's taking - so far he's taken 2, one after the other, and will take another in january.  I put 'set up your class assignments' on his checklist, and 'do your assignments from your checklist', but i'm excited that he seems to be able to look at the weeks assignments and spread them out over the week and make his own checklist.  I'm HOPING this will spill over to next year at community college.  I am defintiely staying home one more year, so I can stay on top of him doing his work. 


I think failing, for him, would do what it did to me - make him give up and quit.  I have no degree at all - i'm hoping I can get him at least a 2-year degree.  

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