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Dr. Hive- embarrassing ? & vent


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Okay. I have been to the doctor twice in the past 2 weeks. I have had stomach pain mostly at night for almost three weeks. I have been dx with a uti and have been on two different antibiotics (no typical uti symptoms) and that is gone. I have also had two instances of waking up with a terrible feeling: hot and sweaty, shaky, faint feeling, terrible stomach ache, urge to have a bowel movement. I feel better after the bowel movement but not completely. I do feel more normal when I wake up in the morning.


Diagnosis: constipation.

Solution: a healthy bowel regimen. Probiotics and miralax.


I have also been having lots of headaches and migraines (headed back to the chiro to help with this).


I didn't know if anybody had personal experience with this or any ideas. I have never been very regular. The doctor did not ask about eating habits, which I thought was weird. But I don't cut out any food groups- I try to eat a diet of moderation. I am not restricting calories at this time but I am not totally stuffing my face.

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When I had an ulcer, I would wake up in the middle of the night in terrible pain because my stomach was empty and the acids churning around in there would turn on me because they had no food to work on.  The pain was centralized around the bottom of my sternum.


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Headaches and tummy issues maks me think of food allergies. I get severe headaches with too much soy, and many things give me tummy troubles. My ds gets migraines from bananas. I would try keeping a food journal to see if you can pin point things. Keep in mind that eating something in small quantities can build up, so it might take a few days to see a change. For me I can eat small amounts,of soy for a day or two, but too much in one day or spreading out its consumption over 3-4 days leads to headaches and tummy trouble.

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Thanks all.


Sometimes it's nausea. Sometimes more like "poo pains". Sometimes just a general crumminess.


I have gained 8-10 pounds as well.


The doctor asked for a detailed food dairy so I really need to do that.


I will ask for a strep test if it continues.

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Headaches and tummy issues maks me think of food allergies. I get severe headaches with too much soy, and many things give me tummy troubles. My ds gets migraines from bananas. I would try keeping a food journal to see if you can pin point things. Keep in mind that eating something in small quantities can build up, so it might take a few days to see a change. For me I can eat small amounts,of soy for a day or two, but too much in one day or spreading out its consumption over 3-4 days leads to headaches and tummy trouble.


I agree. And taking antibiotics can bring on or worsen food sensitivities.


OP, do you know how the doctor determined constipation was the issue? Purely based on symptoms, or was testing done? Loose stool can be a symptom of constipation (if the liquid stool is going around the solid stool), but it's obviously not the only cause, and I'm not sure why a doctor would jump to that conclusion.


Probiotics might help either way.

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I agree. And taking antibiotics can bring on or worsen food sensitivities.


OP, do you know how the doctor determined constipation was the issue? Purely based on symptoms, or was testing done? Loose stool can be a symptom of constipation (if the liquid stool is going around the solid stool), but it's obviously not the only cause, and I'm not sure why a doctor would jump to that conclusion.


Probiotics might help either way.

What testing can be done?


She pressed on my tummy. I told her my symptoms. I had two instances of waking up in a sweat, super hot, shaky, feeling faint, tummy ache, and the urge to have a bowel movement. This terrible feeling subsides after the bowel movement, though i still feel a little sick.


If i can get more regular (in consistancy and frequency) and this still happens i will go in for more testing. If nothing changes with probiotics and such i will end back up at the doctor's anyways.

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What testing can be done?


She pressed on my tummy. I told her my symptoms. I had two instances of waking up in a sweat, super hot, shaky, feeling faint, tummy ache, and the urge to have a bowel movement. This terrible feeling subsides after the bowel movement, though i still feel a little sick.


If i can get more regular (in consistancy and frequency) and this still happens i will go in for more testing. If nothing changes with probiotics and such i will end back up at the doctor's anyways.


Listening to abdominal sounds, abdominal percussion (tapping on different areas to hear how it resonates), rectal exams, and abdominal x-ray are all things I've regularly seen done in determining whether impaction is the problem (because that's what you're talking about if the doctor is assuming loose stool is going around a large compacted stool). I would expect something beyond just palpation before prescribing miralax for someone with loose stool.

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Well, my dd had normal stools and wound up being constipated and we had no idea. She felt awful with nothing specific indicating it was what it was. A regular Miralax regimen did not work, BTW. It eventually was necessary to do a big clean out, which involved large quantities of Miralax with Ducolax over a few days. But I would NOT do that without an xray.


If the Miralax doesn't make a difference after a few days. I'd go ask for an xray.


This sounds gross but it more stool starts passing that really stinks, or if you've noticed that the stool you have already passed has a strong smell but is not loose, that is an indication of constipation. Headaches and fatigue come with constipation. My dd was also pale with dark circles when she had her problem.

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I have lots of headaches. Every day.


I had a baby in February 2012. Had a follow up in April. Had my tubes tied June of the same year. I have mostly regular periods with last Month's being a whole week late. Same as earlier this summer. I was a whole week late and also ended up at urgent care with a very painful uti.

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  • 2 months later...

Update: I eliminated gluten and dairy from my diet for a while and instantly felt better! I ate aome bread to see if it is gluten OR dairy (or possibly both). Wow, i feel absolutely terrible!!!! So i am now gluten free. My family will be gluten free for

Meals because i am not a ahort order cook. Will try adding in different dairy next to see how i tolerate it.

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