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When dd turns 13

plain jane

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We are a ways off but I need to plan ahead a bit. ;)


I want to do something special for when dd turns 13. My plan is to surprise her with a trip for both of us to go away for a weekend. My original thought was to an AG store since she loves get AG dolls and she has never been to a store. However, she is playing less and less with her dolls although they are still near and dear to her. Perhaps in a few months from now a trip to the store would be too "childish".


She does not have a summer birthday so a trip to an area with a beach may be lousy unless we go to Florida, and I don't want to brave a place like NYC on my own. :-/. I'm not sure I want to do Florida either.


I am thinking maybe the San Diego zoo? One of the Sea Worlds? Am I going to hate driving in the San Diego area? (I've never been there either).


Any ideas for a cool place to visit? Trip would be likely from Friday evening to Sunday night so dh won't have to take time off work to watch the other kids while I'm away. Unless I can wrangle someone to come so we can leave Friday morning instead. I plan to fly and rent a car at the location we go.



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Where do you live?  If you live on the East coast I wouldn't recommend a West coast trip for that short a time period.  But, if you insist, San Diego is really nice, but San Francisco is better for a weekend trip.  No need to rent a car there.  In San Diego, driving is really easy so if you go that route you won't have any worries.  


I know you said you wouldn't want to brave NYC, but honestly it's one of the easiest cities in the US to navigate, and there is so much to do!  I'd highly recommend it for a weekend trip.  Seriously.  There is no need to think of it as anything but a great time.


DD17 wants to go to either New Orleans or Washington, D.C. for her graduation present next summer.  It will just be my two daughters and me, and I've been both places but they've been neither.  DC is an AMAZING weekend trip, but so is New Orleans and it's cheaper since we don't have to fly, so that might win out.  


We've been to Sea World and wouldn't structure a whole trip around it, honestly.  DD10 (11 in December) is my budding marine biologist and agrees.


What does she like to do?

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Need more info.  What does your dd like?  If she really likes sea life, I'd go for a day at Discovery Cove.  That will also buy you time at Sea World, Aquatica, and Busch Gardens.  Take your pick!  We opted to do a day with dad for the kids' 16th birthday.  Our oldest did a hot air balloon ride.  They had a blast!!!  

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I've been thinking something similar lately.  


I do think the AG store might not be all that interesting to a 13yo (my 9yo recently got to go and it was a huge deal for her), but a lot of them are in a place with lots more to do, so you could just make it part of a city trip.  


My 11yo wants to go on a kayak tour to see manatees in Florida (she read about it somewhere).  We live in MI, so that would be a huge deal.  She brought it up for her 12th bday (not until next summer) but since I was thinking about a mom/daughter trip when they each turn 13 that would make a lot more sense.  Does your dd have a favorite animal or anything that she would love to see up close?

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I agree. NYC is a great weekend trip. You wouldn't need a car at all! The subway system will get you everywhere. You can go to a Broadway show, eat great food, check out a museum or two, toodle around on a cheesy double decker bus tour...


Chicago is a fun big city. It's much cleaner and friendlier than NYC. And smells better! Still good food and lots to see, but their public transport is nothing compared to NYC's. We took more cabs in Chicago. Great museums, also cheesy double decker bus tours, boat tours (the architectural one was really interesting)...


I would be more hesitant to explore New Orleans alone with a 13 year old DD than NYC, but it's a great city too. Amazing food!


I really want to go to San Diego. After reading a few things and seeing some interviews (haven't brought myself to watch Blackfish), I don't plan on returning to Sea World. We were highly unimpressed with the one in Orlando anyway.


It depends on what you and she like and where you are now. I wouldn't want to waste a whole day on travel.

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Dd and I did NYC for her 11th birthday. We took an early morning express bus and got there at noon Friday. We saw the Rockettes. We did do the AG Store, but at 13 I'd skip it or at least ask her if she wants to do it. We figured out the subway. We saw a lot of the traditional sites. NYC Was the first time dd could order off a menu because all the offerings were GF . This was 5 years ago. We had a fantastic time. It was a first visit for both of us and I think a lasting memory for dd.

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