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Any Apple computer users here?

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I have a Mac lap top which I love it, but it is lacking basic software such as a word processing, a spreadsheet and presentation. I am looking to either get the IWork or the Office for Mac. I do not like much the idea of installing Microsoft product in my Mac, but am willing to hear any experience from any of you.


Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.


Be well



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Miriam, if you want most of the features of Office but without having to pay/install Microsoft products on your Mac, try OpenOffice. The latest beta (version 3) runs natively on the Mac (previous versions required jumping through a few hoops). It has a word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, and a database. Best of all, it's free!

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The iWork that came with it has to be purchased and it does not include Numbers. I am very new to Mac, so it is a bit difficult for me to figure it out. Does it come with things like clip art and the such? Any info that you are willing to share will help me. The Mac also will be used for homeschooling. Certainly you have used for some projects for your children, and may be of help to me.


Jami, I got the neo office after I got the laptop and it just did not work for me. It would not run correctly and took a long time to lad. Felt like back to the old PC.


Thanks. Be well

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We have iWork and iLife. It includes a wordprocessing, spreadsheet, powerpoint and a few other neat add ons. You can save, forward, share all your work as an MS or Adobe doc/file.


iLife is just neat. You can do EVERYTHING, make a web page, compose music, make podcasts, save and edit photos and movies, and mash them all together in new unique formats. Everything syncs.


After that, you know you WILL just have to get the iPhone, iPod, AirPort...

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Are you sure you don't have Applworks pre installed? I love it and it does anything I ned it to. Alternately you can download NeoOffice . Works like Office but it is free I believe.


How do you know if you have this installed? Where would you look? I know that I have Pages.

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How do you know if you have this installed? Where would you look? I know that I have Pages.


click directly on the desktop

click on "Go"

Click on Applications

A window should open up listing all your applications. If you have Appleworks it will be in there.


I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it.

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click directly on the desktop

click on "Go"

Click on Applications

A window should open up listing all your applications. If you have Appleworks it will be in there.


I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it.


I don't think it is! Do you know if it is in the Leopard OS?

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Appleworks wouldn't be on a a new Mac, it's not a viable product (again) right now.


I had Office 2004, used Neo Office on my Laptop because i apparently lost the installs for Office, i got iWork for Christmas and LOVE IT.


I'd vote for iWork if you have tried and love it, or the freebie.


I recently read on Macrumors about a case of a new computer crashing.... Office was causing it. Lots of people then piped up with "ya, it doesn't work that hot".

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I have both OpenOffice and iWork. As far as iWork, Pages is terrific and Keynote is even better than PowerPoint, but Numbers is only version 1 and needs some aging. I find myself turning to OpenOffice just for the spreadsheet. I also have Office 2008, which I only use for my tech writing. And yeah, it's slow and buggy.


One nice thing about iWork is if you have multiple Macs in the house, you can buy a family license which allows you to install it on up to five computers for only $20 more than the individual license. We're a household of geeks, so multi-license packs are handy.

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Are you sure you don't have Applworks pre installed? I love it and it does anything I ned it to. Alternately you can download NeoOffice . Works like Office but it is free I believe.


I have not found Appleworks, just iWork, but the free trial period of 30 days has expired. So, in order to use and save anything in there I need to purchase it. I can use it, but not save anything.


Thanks. Be well



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I'm sure iWork is a great program, but things go much more smoothly for me at school with Office--swapping papers, submitting things to my profs to check up on, etc. Everybody, everybody, everybody around here uses Word, so it's just easier to stick with a common platform. Lots of the standardizing software we use--template for the diss, a footnote-minding program, that sort of thing--assume you use Office.


It's also nice, when you're switching from PC to Mac, not to have to learn everything all over again. Keeping Office and Quicken has minimized what I had to relearn to get comfy with a Mac again.


I haven't had any problems with it being buggy or slow. But I don't use it for anything beyond relatively simple spreadsheets, word docs, and ppt presentations.

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