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Want good ipad chargers and head phones


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I want to get my kids each a new set of head phones and new ipad chargers for Christmas. Do I buy the Apple brand or are the knock offs as good (and safe???)?


I look on Amazon and some people love brand x while others say that they quit working after 1-2 months.


Ideally it would be nice to get the colored charger cords so that we can easily tell who it belongs to but I don't want a Christmas gift that fails after a month or so.


We don't need fancy headphones at all. Are the super deals on Amazon for 75% off good ones are terrible?


Trying to be budget conscious here and we don't need top of the line with bells and whistles, just something basic that will WORK.

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I bought an absurdly cheap charger off of amazon, it has worked better then the cord that came with my ipad.  I think I paid less then $1 for it.  Honestly, don't invest a lot of money into cords, kids forget them in their pockets and they end up in the washing machine.  Those tiny wires get bend so easily.  I've learned that when I'm ordering them cheap, I buy 4-5 at a time and when the kids lose theirs they buy a new one from me - at a small modest mark up - $3 per cord.  When they have to pay for them to wreck them slower than if they are just given to them.

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We are still using the chargers and cords that came with all our iPod/iPad/iPhone products. We have had so many that the cords become interchangeable except for the new iPhones :-(


The headphones/earbuds that I like the best are the over the head headphones that my DS got from Kmart after Christmas for $15. They are really comfortable and do a good job of blocking out other sounds when watching a video.

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I have a couple of the 6-foot black charging cords from amazon, about $7 each. One worked for 8 months or so? before quitting. The other is only a couple of months old and works fine -- but it doesn't charge the iPad as quickly as the white cord that came with the iPad. The black one is fine if I leave it overnight or keep it charging, but if it gets really low, the white Apple cord will generally let me use the iPad while charging it, whereas the black one will not. (In all fairness, my iPad gets heavy use -- it typically gets run almost all the way down most days -- and I think its battery no longer holds a charge quite as well as it used to. It's about 18 months old.)

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