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I have a couple questions about c-rods. First I want to say this may sound like a silly question but I'm going to ask anyways! My ds is 6 and we are doing MFW 1st I decided to try their math and do Singapore next year but we have added in Miquon, and he loves it. He has been using the rods for addition and subtraction and does very well with it and he is getting to where he is knowing some facts just by the rods which amazes me! I was wondering though are the rods enough it just seems too easy like maybe we are not doing enough should I be using flash cards or something.

Also I wonder are we using the rods the correct way? He knows all of the numbers and when I ask him why yellow is 5 he will say because it takes 5 white rods to make a yellow, same with the others. Is this ok. I guess it just seems so easy. If its this easy I wonder where these rods where when I was young because I have always struggled with math.

Thank you if you have made it this far, I don't know who else to ask because around here no one I know has ever heard of c-rods, so I came here and really appreciate this forums! Thanks

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We love rods and Miquon! Sounds like you're doing great. Try googling Rosie's Education Unboxed for lots of short videos with more great ideas, suggestions on how to explain/talk about math as you use the rods, games, etc.


I do add in some fact review way after DD is pretty consistently getting it with rods, just to really cement it, catch whatever facts she's weaker on. We've played games where she gets one point if she answers using rods, two if she answers from memory, so the incentive is built into the game :)

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I have a couple questions about c-rods. First I want to say this may sound like a silly question but I'm going to ask anyways! My ds is 6 and we are doing MFW 1st I decided to try their math and do Singapore next year but we have added in Miquon, and he loves it. He has been using the rods for addition and subtraction and does very well with it and he is getting to where he is knowing some facts just by the rods which amazes me! I was wondering though are the rods enough it just seems too easy like maybe we are not doing enough should I be using flash cards or something.

Also I wonder are we using the rods the correct way? He knows all of the numbers and when I ask him why yellow is 5 he will say because it takes 5 white rods to make a yellow, same with the others. Is this ok. I guess it just seems so easy. If its this easy I wonder where these rods where when I was young because I have always struggled with math.

Thank you if you have made it this far, I don't know who else to ask because around here no one I know has ever heard of c-rods, so I came here and really appreciate this forums! Thanks

I think what you are doing sounds very good in developing the concepts of addition and subtraction.

You could also write out some of these math facts on flashcards to show him how they're related.


I just wrote a post about how we do Kindergarten (and 1st grade) math where I mention c-rods, Singapore and Miquon Math.  It sounds similar to what you're explaining.


Forming First Impressions: Kindergarten Math.

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We love c-rods. My daughter is picking up her addition facts so fast. I also play lots of games with her that are addition that I found on Pinterest and ideas from this forum. I let her use the rods till she can answer without them. We haven't used flash cards yet because we haven't needed to. Its funner to learn from playing.

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:D I have a very similar experience. These seem so easy and fun. I actually like math and so does my daughter. But before we really started using the rods it started to get frustrating at times. Now we always have c rods out when doing math, many times just c rods actually. But if she is working in the book using c rods is always an option for her. They really are great. Singapore and c rods and we are math happy. :)


Sounds like you are doing great!

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Thank you all. I find comfort in reading this. I just remember struggling from a young age with math and honestly I was worried about teaching it. I know that sound silly because he is only 6 but I want him to have a strong foundation. Thanks for all the replies.

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