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Finally my OUAT thread!!!!

Mom in High Heels

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I finally got to watch it!  Whew.  Can I just say…wow!  I LOVED EVERY FREAKING MINUTE OF IT!  Other than the show  about Hook's past (and that smoking hot "hookup") this was my favorite episode of the season!  Clarkacademy, you were right, the girls did kick arse!  Woo!


Storybrooke!  YAY!  I was so happy to be back.  I adore Belle.  I have to say, she was looking pretty unBellelike in that leather skirt though.  I know they're trying to "modern" her up, but I prefer the slightly more demure look she generally wears.  Her skirts are still decently short, but there's just a cute elegance about her clothing, and the leather skirt just seemed incongruous with her normal style.  Still, she's precious, and I still want to be her when I grow up.  Sadly, I'm older than her, so it's not likely to happen.  Boo!


Grumpy's comment about the outfits Ruby wore being seared into his brain cracked me up.  Too true.  I miss Ruby.  I wonder how they'll explain her absence (or if they will).  


Ariel is adorable in her own way, but her innocence is too sickly sweet, IMO.  WHO IS ERIC????  I want to see him again.  Darn it all.


Wendy‽‽‽‽  I would have never, ever guessed it was Wendy in the cage!  NEVER!  I can't believe not one of us connected Wendy, John and Michael to Neverland!  Good grief!  How cute were John and Michael, though?  The floppy hair and glasses were a good touch.  They both looked like the original characters in the cartoon movie.  Brilliant!  I was devastated about the bumper on their car though!  I just spent the weekend driving my mom's fully restored, completely gorgeous, 69 Mustang convertible (which is a tank, BTW, though I looked darn good in it), so to see the bumper get chopped off by the spell made me gasp in horror.  I digress.  Wendy?  She needs to stand herself up to Pan.  Where's our spunky Wendy? I hope she figures out a way to let Henry know it's all a sham.  He's turning into a schlub like Neil!


Snow's hair is too short.  It looks like it was recently trimmed, and the beautician went crazy with the clippers.  I don't like it.  She looks great with long hair (IMO), and while it doesn't need to be that long, I feel it should at the very least be slightly longer than Charming's.  That it all.


Okay, now onto the good stuff!  HOOK!  Oh, Hook, you gorgeous, gorgeous man!  When he told Emma that he would win her heart, I practically swooned on the sofa.  He's already won MY heart.  I thought for SURE they were going to kiss again and Neil would see, and realize he's just a good with no chance.  That's right, schlub, move on! 


The fight over the lighter made me laugh.  I though, wow, what a way to measure your manliness (a euphemism for man bits, BTW), than by fighting over a lighter.  Men!  When the shadows (creepy!) were trying to take Hook and Neil's shadows (souls?) that Emma was going to have to choose one of them save, and I yelled at the TV "HOOK!  SAVE HOOK!"  I am a dork that way.  Making the fire herself was a bit awesome.  Why did the flames only pull in Pan's shadow?  Why did it not attract the other 2, or any other shadows trapped there?  And how does the shadow get them off the island?


I cannot wait for the next episode!  Fortunately, since I just watched it today, I don't have to wait quite so long!  Sigh….


Okay, discuss!



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I loved most of the episode. 


My thought when John and Michael were trying to get into town before the cloaking spell hit had me thinking "Hipsters!  No wonder they needed a cloaking spell.  I would try to keep them out, too."


Did not love Wendy.  No spunk.  I think they are setting her up as love interest for Henry. 


Fighting over the lighter-sorry, I thought that was kind of stupid.  Totally beneath Hook. 


I would like to see Snow have a dang fit at charming for what he did.  Yell, scream, hit something.


I never loved Belle.  The actress who plays her just does not do it for me.  I did like her grappling with her feelings of uselessness and her desire to do something.



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I thought it was frighteningly awesome that Emma used her magic to save the day and her guys were both rather shocked and not NEARLY appreciative enough of her awesomeness.  i LOVED snow's final tirade at charming.  I'm glad she was able to express her anger and get him to apologize and still end up all warm and fuzzy.  

Yes, Henry is annoying me.  it was SO obvious that they were purposefully trying to get Henry to follow them.  The truest believer is a sucker.  He agreed to save magic without a second thought.  I think he's the lamest character in the whole show.  Like, what, kids dont need to have consistent personalities?


I liked that the mermaid and belle were able to save the day.  I also thought Wendy's brothers were ADORABLE and yes, Wendy needs to get a backbone.  


Yes, a fun episode!  


I even have to admit, Hook's desire for Emma is hotter - but Bae is the family man, her child's father, her first love, and i guess I'm old fashioned and rooting for the family to get together.   I mean, I kinda hate that Hook's m/o is to fall for and try to steal other guys' women. 


You're a pirate!  Yes, I am.

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I don't think I ever even remotely thought of Pan holding Wendy hostage.  When they said "our sister", I gasped loudly and shouted out "it's John and Michael!" and made DH turn around to look at me like I was nuts.  LOL   Sadly, my kid just said "who".  *sigh*  Add Peter Pan disney-style to the list of movies he needs to watch.


Now the big question is, what is Neal going to do when HE finds out that Wendy's being held hostage?  Even more of a reason for him to want revenge on Pan, me thinks.  


Wendy and Henry is just gross to think about b/c she knew Neal when he first went through the portal.  It's a shame she's still a kid though or they could make her a love interest for Neal.   I think they should take Tink back with them and make her Neal's love interest so he'll leave Emma alone.


I thought the guys fighting over the lighter was completely lame.  I mean really, are they 5?  Emma using magic to light the candle was pure AWESOMENESS!!!  You go girl!


At least I got my "awwww" moment with Hook when he told Emma he'd fight for her, and he'd win her heart.   I was chanting for him to kiss her but alas, he didn't.  *pouts*  I understand why she's totally focused on Henry right now, but I can't imagine she honestly believes she'll get away with not picking one of them at some point.


I thought Belle and Ariel were great.  I love Belle, but I agree with MIHH that the leather skirt was just ick.  Way more Lacey than Belle IMO.  I want to know who the heck is Eric?!


Snow should have railed at Charming longer. She let him off the hook way to easy for what he did.  I don't care about his reasons; he should have trusted her enough to be honest from the start.   I think we should start an online petition to encourage the actress and/or the powers-that-be to grow Snow's hair out.  She looks so horrid with that awful hairstyle.  It's not even cute enough to call it a pixie cut!


We need a video montage of the Captain Swan moments.  Who knows how to do that?  Wouldn't it be awesome?!!

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I agree that Wendy and Henry seems wrong, aside from the fact that she's like 100 years old.  I dont like anger so for me, Snow's amount of anger and Charming was enough.  I almost never stay angry very long.  


I did notice that Neal and Tink seemed to have some 'history' . . . 

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I even have to admit, Hook's desire for Emma is hotter - but Bae is the family man, her child's father, her first love, and i guess I'm old fashioned and rooting for the family to get together.   I mean, I kinda hate that Hook's m/o is to fall for and try to steal other guys' women. 


You're a pirate!  Yes, I am.


I'm rooting for Hook (obviously), and I get that Neil is her first love, blah, blah, blah (how do we know he's a family man?), but parents don't always end up together.  Thus far (IIRC), Henry hasn't been "oh, I hope my parents get back together," and IMO, it would be okay for Henry to be their "happily ever after' (if he doesn't turn into a schlub like Neil), remain friends, and move on with their lives.  Plus, I'm still mad at Neil for letting her take the fall and go to jail, even if there were extenuating circumstances.  


Is it Hook's m/o to steal someone else's woman?  Did he KNOW Mrs. Rumple (I can't remember her name) was married when he met her?  Didn't Rumple tell Hook that when he went to the tavern to bring her home?  Yes, she ran off with Hook, and he did love her, but he didn't "steal" her.  Of course it wasn't ideal that he took a married woman on his ship, but you can't steal someone who doesn't want to be stolen.  She hated her life with Rumple and Bae, and was looking for a way out. IMO, Hook was her way out.  We don't know that she really loved him, though since she stayed with him, she probably did.  Still, I think it's more her fault than his.  He should have known better, but then again, he is a pirate.  ;)


Emma was no one's to steal.  She and Neil were not together when Hook met her.  In fact, they've never "been together" since Neil came on the show, have they?  He was engaged to Tamara, and after he found out she was working for "Big Bad," there was no time for them to be together.  Emma was free market!  I don't like that Hook and Neil are treating her like a prize though.  She is going to have choose (I think-she may tell them both to kiss her arse), but again, it's her choice, not theirs.  Choose Hook, Emma!  Choose Hook!  Captain Swan all the way!!!!

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I finally got to watch it!  Whew.  Can I just say…wow!  I LOVED EVERY FREAKING MINUTE OF IT!  Other than the show  about Hook's past (and that smoking hot "hookup") this was my favorite episode of the season!  Clarkacademy, you were right, the girls did kick arse!  Woo!


Storybrooke!  YAY!  I was so happy to be back.  I adore Belle.  I have to say, she was looking pretty unBellelike in that leather skirt though.  I know they're trying to "modern" her up, but I prefer the slightly more demure look she generally wears.  Her skirts are still decently short, but there's just a cute elegance about her clothing, and the leather skirt just seemed incongruous with her normal style.  Still, she's precious, and I still want to be her when I grow up.  Sadly, I'm older than her, so it's not likely to happen.  Boo!


Grumpy's comment about the outfits Ruby wore being seared into his brain cracked me up.  Too true.  I miss Ruby.  I wonder how they'll explain her absence (or if they will).  


Ariel is adorable in her own way, but her innocence is too sickly sweet, IMO.  WHO IS ERIC????  I want to see him again.  Darn it all.


Wendy‽‽‽‽  I would have never, ever guessed it was Wendy in the cage!  NEVER!  I can't believe not one of us connected Wendy, John and Michael to Neverland!  Good grief!  How cute were John and Michael, though?  The floppy hair and glasses were a good touch.  They both looked like the original characters in the cartoon movie.  Brilliant!  I was devastated about the bumper on their car though!  I just spent the weekend driving my mom's fully restored, completely gorgeous, 69 Mustang convertible (which is a tank, BTW, though I looked darn good in it), so to see the bumper get chopped off by the spell made me gasp in horror.  I digress.  Wendy?  She needs to stand herself up to Pan.  Where's our spunky Wendy? I hope she figures out a way to let Henry know it's all a sham.  He's turning into a schlub like Neil!


Snow's hair is too short.  It looks like it was recently trimmed, and the beautician went crazy with the clippers.  I don't like it.  She looks great with long hair (IMO), and while it doesn't need to be that long, I feel it should at the very least be slightly longer than Charming's.  That it all.


Okay, now onto the good stuff!  HOOK!  Oh, Hook, you gorgeous, gorgeous man!  When he told Emma that he would win her heart, I practically swooned on the sofa.  He's already won MY heart.  I thought for SURE they were going to kiss again and Neil would see, and realize he's just a good with no chance.  That's right, schlub, move on! 


The fight over the lighter made me laugh.  I though, wow, what a way to measure your manliness (a euphemism for man bits, BTW), than by fighting over a lighter.  Men!  When the shadows (creepy!) were trying to take Hook and Neil's shadows (souls?) that Emma was going to have to choose one of them save, and I yelled at the TV "HOOK!  SAVE HOOK!"  I am a dork that way.  Making the fire herself was a bit awesome.  Why did the flames only pull in Pan's shadow?  Why did it not attract the other 2, or any other shadows trapped there?  And how does the shadow get them off the island?


I cannot wait for the next episode!  Fortunately, since I just watched it today, I don't have to wait quite so long!  Sigh….


Okay, discuss!

I already made a Wonderland thread!!!


TOTAL AGREEMENT over Belles clothes. It is just not her at all!!! I understand modern but they are taking that special Belle thing away when they change her too much ya know? As soon as the two boys said we know who Pan is I guess who they were LOL!  I saw a facebook post they picked Rumples father ya may wanna check that out!!!!!!!!!    I think Snows hair should be longer too. I really thought she was gonna have to choose which one to save as well!!! I am not fond of Neil he played a bad guy in Walking Dead so that was it for me LOL!!!


I guess the shadow flies off the island but what will they do with Hooks ship?? He wouldn't leave her!!! David poor David stuck in Neverland

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Great episode! I've been wondering when this thread would show up!!!


I could have kicked myself for never thinking of Wendy, John, and Michael. I was so annoyed with myself Sunday night! I was even part of a local production of Peter Pan this summer. You would think my brain would have been questioning their absence, but no. Caught totally by surprise!


Fire-making Emma rocks. I love that she and Regina are turning out to be good for each other.


Yes, Hook and Neil were acting like a couple of hormonal nincompoops over Emma.


The shadows reminded me of the dementors in Harry Potter.


Dh and I agree with you others that Snow needs to grow her hair out. We comment on it each episode.


I like Ariel, and I'm glad she can have legs whenever she wants them now. Hope we see Eric soon.


I hope Henry is just under Neverland's powers and that he isn't really turning into a goob. The Storybrooke Henry was smarter and much more spirited. I really hope we see that version of Henry again one day.


Hook is still THE MAN!!!!!!! I think he needs his own spin-off. The producers needn't worry about a big budget. I'd be happy with Hook - the One Man Show. He could be stranded on a desert island, all alone, staring into the distance. Perhaps occasionally throw a stick into the water or take a swig from a coconut. No plot, just Hook. I could happily watch that each week.

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Hook is still THE MAN!!!!!!! I think he needs his own spin-off. The producers needn't worry about a big budget. I'd be happy with Hook - the One Man Show. He could be stranded on a desert island, all alone, staring into the distance. Perhaps occasionally throw a stick into the water or take a swig from a coconut. No plot, just Hook. I could happily watch that each week.


LOL!  I would watch it!  All Hook, all the time.  Brooding, smiling, flipping the tails of his coat, sleeping…oh, yeah.  If he occasionally took his shirt off, I would not have a single complaint.  NOT.ONE.  :)  


Imagine the threads we could have on that show!!!!!

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LOL!  I would watch it!  All Hook, all the time.  Brooding, smiling, flipping the tails of his coat, sleeping…oh, yeah.  If he occasionally took his shirt off, I would not have a single complaint.  NOT.ONE.   :)


Imagine the threads we could have on that show!!!!!


I would guess ALOT!!!! FROM YOU!!!!!!!!! :coolgleamA:Just so you know my peppy TV show sister :lurk5: I only started the social group because for some reason I can't always find the threads!! Even if I start them it don't always show up under my content :( So sometimes I miss them which is why I didn't find yours a few weeks back!! You will always be the QUEEN of our Once Upon A Time posts :grouphug: and I will expect weekly threads in that group so I can find them!!! We must discuss all of it because Gosh we just need too!!!!  And no more board breaks young lady without fair warning we were worried about you!!! Thought you broke a heel and fell into a rabbit hole or something crazy :lol:

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I would guess ALOT!!!! FROM YOU!!!!!!!!! :coolgleamA:Just so you know my peppy TV show sister :lurk5: I only started the social group because for some reason I can't always find the threads!! Even if I start them it don't always show up under my content :( So sometimes I miss them which is why I didn't find yours a few weeks back!! You will always be the QUEEN of our Once Upon A Time posts :grouphug: and I will expect weekly threads in that group so I can find them!!! We must discuss all of it because Gosh we just need too!!!!  And no more board breaks young lady without fair warning we were worried about you!!! Thought you broke a heel and fell into a rabbit hole or something crazy :lol:


I shudder at the thought of a broken heel.  My mom nearly had a heart attack when she saw my shoes when I got off the plane.  They were shiny teal, 3" pumps with pointy toes.  I didn't think there was anything strange about them.  You'd think by now she'd be used to my shoes.


I will do my level best to make sure there are awesome OUAT threads every week.  Remember though, I'm on PST and don't get to watch them until 3 hours after EST.  It's torture knowing others have watched it and I haven't!  Do other people know about this social group?  My threads don't always show on my content either, so I just search the forum for OUAT.

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I shudder at the thought of a broken heel.  My mom nearly had a heart attack when she saw my shoes when I got off the plane.  They were shiny teal, 3" pumps with pointy toes.  I didn't think there was anything strange about them.  You'd think by now she'd be used to my shoes.


I will do my level best to make sure there are awesome OUAT threads every week.  Remember though, I'm on PST and don't get to watch them until 3 hours after EST.  It's torture knowing others have watched it and I haven't!  Do other people know about this social group?  My threads don't always show on my content either, so I just search the forum for OUAT.


I posted it on both threads so hopefully people will read!! Even when I search the forum it doesn't always come up I posted on the walking dead and now I cannot find it GRRRRRRRR


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LOL!  I would watch it!  All Hook, all the time.  Brooding, smiling, flipping the tails of his coat, sleeping…oh, yeah.  If he occasionally took his shirt off, I would not have a single complaint.  NOT.ONE.   :)


Imagine the threads we could have on that show!!!!!


I just want you to know that I watch OUAT and then immediately come looking for your thread about the show!


Loved this episode, but I do have some disparaging news. I may have to disown my own daughter.


She knows of my love for Hook. While watching the last episode, she turns to me and says, "I know you like Hook, but I think Peter Pan is super cute!"  :svengo:


I am now fearing what kind of person my future son-in-law might be!  :ohmy:  :willy_nilly:

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I just want you to know that I watch OUAT and then immediately come looking for your thread about the show!


Loved this episode, but I do have some disparaging news. I may have to disown my own daughter.


She knows of my love for Hook. While watching the last episode, she turns to me and says, "I know you like Hook, but I think Peter Pan is super cute!"  :svengo:


I am now fearing what kind of person my future son-in-law might be!  :ohmy:  :willy_nilly:


See, I'm on PST, so I don't get to watch until 3 hours after EST.  TORTURE!  It's 9pm or so before it's over, and then I have to watch Grimm!  My posts doing usually go up until after 10pm PST (1am EST).  


Clearly you need to get your daughter under control!  What is wrong with her? To be fair though (grudgingly), he is rather a cutie pie in real life, when he doesn't have his evil smile going.  He's 18, BTW.  

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Yes, I looked up Pan's age, i was curious. He does a fantastic job of straddling that line between still being impish and being old enough to have confidence to lead.  (so much better than stupid red queen does, who only looks bratty to me).  


I watch the next day on hulu . . . i usually have to avoid the threads . . . because i stop in here a few times during the day for 10-20 min breaks, but cant watch during the day - i dont let the boys watch stuff or play games during 'school hours', so I cant either.  sigh.

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