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Christmas gift: BrainPop subscription worth it?

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My DS (6 years old) told me today that all he wants for Christmas is a BrainPop subsciption. He basically said that I need not get him anything else and that he will do whatever I ask him to do in order to get it! He uses the free version of it and loves it. 

So, is a subscription worth it? It looks pricey to me. Anyone has opinions on it?

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Never used it, but check the Homeschool Buyers' Co-Op before buying it elsewhere. Right now a solo access subscription costs $74.25 instead of $99. Junior BrainPop is just $63.75 instead of $85 for homeschool solo access. There will be a small co-op fee tacked on to your order too. 


The HBC is free to join. I've ordered several items, both downloads and physical books, and I've never had a problem. The link above is *not* to an affiliate link. Just FYI. :)



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my kids LOVE it. seriously, they "play" it a lot. as often as we let them. my 4yo is my earliest riser and always asks if she can play it until everyone else gets up. i got mine through a local group for super cheap so i asked my dh one day what it was worth and he said $100- without knowing that was the actual price. so in this house? yes. absolutely worth it.

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We are test driving brainpop jr via the monthly subscription on the iPad app. I love all the videos, but searching through their offerings it didn't seem all that extensive. I think a month or two at the most will mean my son has seen all the offerings. Is Brainpop more extensive?


It is more extensive - there are probably twice as many videos or maybe even more, but if this is for a 5 yo, much of the information will be over his head.  Though not all.  It would depend on the kid.  I'll note that because they're short, many kids rewatch them.

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