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GED Prep Advice & Fiction for 20 Year Old Girl

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So, I just found out that my niece is in jail...for the next 200 or so days.  She's had a tough life...with two drug addicted parents, basically left to be raised by sisters not much older than herself.  She dropped out of high school, but I'm not sure how much she ever really learned.  She needs to pass the GED, and has expressed interest in doing so.  I fear it will be a long road for her.


Does anybody have any recommendations for GED books that are good self-teachers? Colorful and engaging would be best if they exist.


Also, I'm looking for recommendations for some books to send her.  I don't think she was ever much of a pleasure reader...so perhaps ideas which might intrigue a 20 year old girl with very little exposure to literature for pleasure.  Also, any magazine suggestions for that age group that could inspire her.


At one time, she loved going to church and Sunday school--so if you have recommendations for Christian teen books/mags, that would be appreciated as well.


Sorry if this is the wrong thread. :)

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I think the Hunger Games trilogy would be great, as well as maybe the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings - that's 13 books right there.  They all capture your imagination and are not difficult to read...I've read them all and I read them in my 40s, so the age issue shouldn't matter.


My dd 16 also thinks maybe The Warrior Heir, The Wizard Heir and the Dragon Heir series.  She liked those too.  


Best wishes for your niece, we will pray for her.  =)


ETA:  Dd just thought of The Last Apprentice series as well.  Good luck!

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Make sure you check regulations on what can be sent in, sometimes each jail has very specific (sometimes odd logic) requests. Also I would have her check if there are any programs to help her while in jail. 


I would try to make sure she has a bible, one that is understandable for her. NIV is a pretty easy translation imo - although someone may have a better recommendation. Again check regulations, some want paperbacks only, some won't accept bibles if they have tabs on them. 


Isn't the GED being reformatted? I would want to make sure I bought materials that would be accommodating for the new test. 


Also, I'd try to find her a daily meditation or bible study book, something simple to keep her encouraged. 


:grouphug:  to your family. It's not an easy road. 

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Don't forget about math books!


I tutor math for a GED program.  I love the books we use:  Contemporary's Number Power series.  The most frequently used book is Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Those who really struggle don't know their multiplication facts.  If she doesn't know that, consider a deck of cards if there is someone willing to play multiplication war with her.  I'm sure there are other math products for self-learning multiplication facts.



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Possibly there are things she can study, that are specific to the GED program in the state she is in. Also, possibly the jail she is in has a program for inmates. Possibly you can look on the web site for that state, for information about studying for the GED there.  GL to her!

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Thanks everybody.  Her jail does have a GED prep course, but according to my Mom she hasn't enrolled in it yet.  So, I sent her the "GED for Dummies" book along with a note about how smart she is, and how she can do it, etc.


I also sent her three books based on the suggestions here as well as a subscription to "US". (Yeah...I know...cheesy tabloid.  :001_rolleyes: )


I can only send books from a publisher or Internet retailer.  There's a limit of four books at a time.  



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