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Anyone else taking SAT or subject tests today?

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Does anyone else have kids taking the SAT or subject tests today?


DD2 is taking Japanese this morning and was so nervous she was sick to her stomach. I don't think she slept more than a couple hours. : (


I completely forgot to give her the homeschool code before I dropped her off, so I'm worried that she'll be even more stressed when she sees that. It is so hard to keep everything together between two high schoolers, different codes for PSAT, etc. Ack! I hope someone has the code for her there at the high school....Bad mommy.


Good luck to all the test takers today!

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My oldest son is taking it for the second time.  I totally forgot to give him the homeschool code too!  Hopefully that won't cause any stress!  He's taking it at the same place he took it last time, but I know I looked up the code beforehand that time.  Oops!  Well, we'll see what happens!


Hope your daughter does really well!

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Thanks, Claire. I hope your son does well too!


Well, she got confused and put down the code for the school where she was taking it. Sigh. Does anyone know if this will mess things up? I've already called College Board and they are putting a note in her account. Is there anything to worry about? I'm kicking myself....

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Just dropped dd off for her second round.  She is so much more prepared than when she took it the first time so hopefully she tests this morning like she has tested these last few months with practice tests.  It was so funny...last night she came to me after finishing the last of her math sections (she used her math time this week to go back and rework all of the hard/medium problems on six practice tests) and said how excited she is to tackle the math sections today.  Excited??  MY daughter??  Over MATH??  


Hard being the mom and driving away then waiting anxiously...   :)

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My oldest (public schooled) DS took the SAT again today. He took it in spring of Jr. year and scored okay, but not great. His grades are fabulous, so I really wanted him to give the SAT one more try, with hopes of better scores. I'm just glad that it's over. Now on to more college apps!

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My son took German with Listening. His last SAT ever!!!!


(He was supposed to take it last spring (without listening), but got sick ... )


Here's a funny ... he was the only kid taking German. Two kids were taking Spanish, and the rest were split between Korean (half of the kids in the room) and Chinese. NO Japanese or French. Not what I would have expected, but fits our demographics ...


Oh, and four kids forgot their CD players! and couldn't take the test. It WAS odd reminding my son to take a CD player, instead of the calculator he usually has for these sorts of tests! :)


Best wishes to everyone who tested today!



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My son took German with Listening. His last SAT ever!!!!


(He was supposed to take it last spring (without listening), but got sick ... )


Here's a funny ... he was the only kid taking German. Two kids were taking Spanish, and the rest were split between Korean (half of the kids in the room) and Chinese. NO Japanese or French. Not what I would have expected, but fits our demographics ...


Oh, and four kids forgot their CD players! and couldn't take the test. It WAS odd reminding my son to take a CD player, instead of the calculator he usually has for these sorts of tests! :)


Best wishes to everyone who tested today!

Congrats on finishing that last test!


Dd was the only one taking Japanese here, and no one was taking Korean or Chinese. Two kids (with french accents) were taking French, and one was taking Spanish. One kid forgot the CD player, and another forgot to bring batteries for his. Luckily dd had extras and was able to help out.


Hope everyone hears fabulous news in three weeks!

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Congrats on finishing that last test!


Dd was the only one taking Japanese here, and no one was taking Korean or Chinese. Two kids (with french accents) were taking French, and one was taking Spanish. One kid forgot the CD player, and another forgot to bring batteries for his. Luckily dd had extras and was able to help out.


Hope everyone hears fabulous news in three weeks!


*I'm* thrilled to be done with the logistics of signing him up, getting him there on time (although now he drives himself), sending scores, etc. ... but my son said he feels a strange sort of letdown, or disappointment, at being done with testing  :)

(yes, he kinda likes tests ... we're all kinda weird that way  :lol: )


The 10 kids taking Korean were all native speakers, as were the 7 or 8 kids taking Chinese. The Spanish testers were not native speakers, nor is my son (German).

Kudos to your daughter for taking Japanese!

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