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iPhone Calendar help needed!


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I think I need a new iphone calendar app.  I *love* using my iphone calendar, but I don't like what happened to it in the last software update, and there are a few things that it doesn't do well.


I don't need it to sync to anything.  I would like to be able to input dates like  the "third Monday of each month". 


I'm not even quite sure what else I might need.


Can you tell I'm somewhat technologically challenged??!


Please Help!


Thanks ~



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I don't need it to sync to anything.  I would like to be able to input dates like  the "third Monday of each month". 


I'm not even quite sure what else I might need.



I use my iPhone calendar and it does everything I need it to.


To set up a recurring event for the third Monday of each month, you would:

- click on your calendar

- double-click on the date of the first event you want to set up as a recurring event - a new event will show up for you to edit

- double-click on the "New Event" which will pull up the edit box

- enter all your information

- where it says "repeat", click on the drop down menu

- select "custom"

- make sure frequency is set to "monthly" and then go down to where it says "On the"

- select "third" and "Monday"

- click ok and you're done


HTH!  :)

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Ok.  I messed up.  My iPhone calendar syncs with my Mac, and I'm on my Mac right now.  


I was looking at how to do this on my Mac, which - even though I'm editing the same calendar - involves very different steps.  I'm looking at it on my iPhone now and it's very different. 


My apologies for the confusion.  It's been a long day and I'm not firing on all cylinders.  :p  I'll take a look at the steps on my iPhone and see if I can provide actual help.  :001_rolleyes:

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I did some research, and apparently you cannot set up custom recurring events on the iPhone (it only allows for basic recurring events such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).


Your options are:

- if you have a Mac, you can set the events up on your Mac calendar (which does allow for custom recurring events - see the steps I outlined in my first post) and then set up your Mac/iPhone calendars to sync.  That's what I've done.

- if you have Gmail (or are willing to set up a Gmail account), you can use the Google calendar and then set it to sync with your iPhone.  The Google calendar allows for custom recurring events.  Here are the instructions: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/3008051

- if neither of the above options will work for you, you will need an app.  Looks like there are a few to choose from in the app store. The one free one I looked at had several negative reviews, so I won't link it.



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Not a calendar, so not what you asked for, but thought I'd mention this super to-do list app, which has made me oh-so-much-more organized.  Very intuitive.  It's called "Errands", but it's ever so much more than that.  I love being able to check of "wash dishes" and have it automatically pop up onto my list the next day.  For something like "go to Trader Joe's" I can set it to recur two weeks after the last time I did it (rather than a set "every other Tuesday" type thing).  It makes me feel organized and not "behind", if you see what I mean. Different folders for different kinds of tasks, the ability to view all tasks, or just important ones, or just ones due today, or by folder.  Can include checklists (so "go grocery shopping" can recur once a week and include a list of things to check off, and the list will pop up again the next time you go).  Worth looking at if you're trying to juggle a lot of different things.  


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The app "Week Cal" will do what you would like to do. It costs $1.99. I have used it for several years and have been very happy with it.


I just checked to make sure . . . I can set an appointment for "the third Thursday of each month" to remind me my dh has a church council meeting that night.

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