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I Did It!

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I just have to share...I am NOT a cool Mommy Blogger and I have no interest in making money, nor am I an affiliate with anyone.  I just wanted to create a web site for those of us who are homeschooling "average" kids or those who need modified curriculum or are less academically inclined.  There are so many great conversations here, and I have learned so much...but sometimes it is hard to keep my spirits up with my kids who are all working hard, learning a lot...but would never be able to do a lot of what is used regularly by you all.


And that doesn't mean we aren't doing an excellent job homeschooling.  It's just our goals necessarily have to be different, and we are on a different path. Rigor, for us, looks different, as it does for many others.


So come see my new, admittedly totally bland looking Baby, and tell me what you think!




and be kind, I am totally not a pro at this! Hahaha!

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So I signed up already as a member  :lol:  I was happy to see that you listed A-Z Reading on your curriculum page. I have used it for all my kids and it is an easy and fun way to teach them to read. My DD was having such problems until I started this with her and then she zoomed ahead. Also I joined as part of a Co-op - we signed up as a classroom and I only paid $9 for the year...so it can be cheap if you get a group together.


I don't think I saw it listed so forgive me if it is but Math Mammoth is excellent for ease of teaching and a great price too. It doesn't work for my DD unfortunately but I still love it.

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Thank you all so much for your encouragement, I am off to add Mike Rowe's site right now, and I added another section for Military, thanks to a suggestion from MargaretinCO :-)  I hope to add a LOT to this as time goes on, and would always appreciate any web site suggestions.  I will also be blogging about education there, and just stumbled upon an article today that was an interview with Mike Rowe which I found interesting and will talk about.


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