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another 5K or move onto 10K


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Did two 5Ks in the last 6 months. Mind you not terribly fast but reasonable. Thanksgiving is another race. Should I go for the 10K or try to improve my speed for the 5K. Since I was never a runner just started jogging a year ago I don't know that I'd really be able to go faster. I'm pretty happy if I can manage to jog the entire 5K. I know I could do the 10K might be near the end but thinking its worth a shot. Those that run, how do you improve your time on 5Ks/10Ks? Suggestions on going for another 5K to get better times or just go on to the next thing? I think if I wait till winter it will be way too cold to do a 10K, doubt the North even has them in the winter.



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How much do you enjoy running?  Do you like long runs?  Does it feed your soul to be out there running and pushing yourself?  Is it something you look forward to? If yes, then go for the 10k.  


If it just feels like good exercise and you're sort of glad when it's over (like me), I'd stick with the 5k and work on some speed.  (Then it will be over even faster.   :) )

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I personally like running longer distances, so I would go for the 10K. I don't really start enjoying my runs until around mile three. By 8-10, I'm loving life! Running hills helped my speed a bit and I try to do a hill run once a week. I've been running almost two years and I have just now begun to do some speed work. I think it's a personal decision, though. I've run two half marathons and am planning on another in May, so I've decided to try to get a little faster.


As far as how to get faster, go to the library and check out some running books. They usually always have info on how to increase speed.


Whatever you do, good luck!


ETA: here is an article on speed work from Running Times online. http://www.runnersworld.com/workouts/speed-development

They have tons of running info there. You might want to check it out.


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