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Why moms need a sense of humor


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I have twelve people coming over for dinner and a movie in two hours, including my boss. My husband has my dining room torn apart because for some unknown reason he decided today was the perfect day to get rid of our boiler, which is the only source of heat we have, and install a pellet stove in the dining room. Except it isn't working and the place he bought it is closed for the weekend.

My three year old with zero interest in potty training just announced that he needed to wear big boy underpants and use the potty right now this afternoon.

And my boss just texted to see if he can bring two other supervisors.


I am glad I have a sense of humor....

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I'm always so impressed by people who actually entertain. Especially if they can manage to be and have an authentic life all the while. Bring on the potty!


I'm MONSTER impressed! I don't know how  people do it. We're having our God daughter who's coming from college over for Thanksgiving and I'm already freaking out.


I'm like, "Wait. I have to clean, cook, bake, fix up the guest room?! How am I going to do all of that?!"



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Did I mention I got off a 24 hour shift at 8 am this morning? Aforementioned husband had promised to clean the house, but he forgot and went and bought the pellet stove and a new rifle instead. Because, after all, hunting season starts next month.


And now my sister just called to say she and her husband made a quick trip into town and maybe possibly she could use my guest room tonight?


I hope all my guests bring wine.

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I admire your aplomb. I'd probably be huddled in a corner with a blanket over my head mumbling something about taking them to Chipotle.

Yeah, sister, you can stay if you promise to help me pull this thing off. Oh and dh? Um, honey, if you can buy a new rifle, then I'm going to buy a costco sandwich and veggie tray and call it good.

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