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Bearded Dragon Question


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Our son wants a Beardie desperately and we plan on getting him one . . . some day.  It'll be two years at least before he's old enough to take on the responsibility.  Till then though, we're reading up on it, making lists of supplies we'll need, getting our ducks in a row so to speak.  So this isn't going to happen for a while.


My question is, would it be harmful or annoying for a Bearded Dragon if it lived next to a piano?  Are they very sensitive to sound?  


Also, do you prefer a glass aquarium with a mesh lid or those Terrariums with the sliding doors in the front?  Aquariums are cheaper and easier to come by but it just seems like access would be so much easier with the doors in the front.

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Beardies aren't overly sensitive to sound, but I guess it depends on how much that piano gets used.  If it's being used for hours every day, I would say that it just isn't healthy for any animal to live in an environment that noisy.  Not only would it be a noise factor, but there is the physical vibration to consider, too.  If you're talking about 30 min. a day, you're probably okay.


I have a glass breeder tank with an overhead locking slider lid.  Honestly, this isn't difficult because I also have a slider hood that contains all of my lights and it doesn't interfere with the sliding mechanism of the mesh lid.  However, if you simply have your heat and UV lamps sitting on top of your mesh lid, you will definitely want the tank with the front sliding doors.  Trust me when I say that it will get old VERY quickly taking those lamps off and on whenever you need to feed or clean.


The absolute best place for information on bearded dragons, specifically their nutrition is Beautiful Dragons.  The best forum is www.beardeddragon.org

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I designed a cage and DH built it. It was 4' x 2' x 2' made out of well-sealed 3/4" birch plywood with a hinged front door that was mostly tempered glass. With more experience with having the beardie, I would have done a sliding door - the cage was originally designed for a snake :) If you can design and build, I think think this cage cost us around $125 and was a beautiful display piece. Plus we were easily able to wire in a heat panel, light socket, and fluorescent strip light.


Our cage actually doubled as our tv stand. While we don't watch a lot of tv, we watched it nightly back then and the beardie always seemed happy and healthy!

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