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Friday's Teachers Lounge 10-4-2013


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Happy Friday! 




I think in honor of it being October, and Fall in most places of the world, I shall not type in black. B)


This week has been weird and stressful but productive. I ALMOST have our schedules figured out!

School is back in session for me and I'm still trying to get that schedule hashed out.

I have decided that **I** need Friday mornings for lesson planning, errands, etc, and the kids can do 

their independent subjects then.


In the Lounge today we have one lonesome GF apple scone that is looking for someone to take care of it ;)

coffee, tea, water, and Almond Milk. I may be running to the store later so requests are welcome. While out and about

I may stop at a yard sale or two. Anyone want to come with?  :coolgleamA: 


Like I said, this morning is mine. This afternoon I will be running the kids to drama class and then working on finally

getting the rough draft of my novel DONE.


What's up in your world today?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good Morning.  No errands for me.  I'd like to sit in a quiet corner and drink my cup of coffee.  I have been to older dd's school 3 times today between 8 and 11am.  I get to go at least twice more today although I've already brought her home for the day.  Somebody please explain how this school thing is supposed to work because I think I must be doing it wrong.  She is currently sitting in the dining room having history class.



I have a pot roast started for dinner, but it won't be ready until 6pm MT.  There are gf blueberry crepes leftover from breakfast that we can share along with some coffee.  





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Hi ya Scrap!  My dd was looking at this over my shoulder and said "What independent subjects?"  She does most of her work with me.  Sigh.


I would love to go to a yard sale with you.

I'm tired out from the week and am a bit dismayed to realize that another week starts in only a couple of days.

I've got to go. . . dd is kicking me off of my computer so she can look at a site I found on the Philippines for her history.

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My kids are all being delivered to their various drop off points in the next 5.5 hours and then I have the weekend to myself.  Of course I am working all weekend but it also means the house will be blissfully silent when I get home from work.  I will be leaving here in the next 20ish minutes to run errands in town before we drive to the city to drop of the 2 youngers, and then drive back this way and into town to drop off the teens at 5:30.  As of 5:30pm tonight I am free, bwahaha

The week was much better than last week, but still hectic.  I had more testing done after yet another dr's appt, ds15 had new xrays done as follow up to his appt.  The kids never showed up at my job on wednesaday which was a huge improvement.  I just became the sparks leader but have to figure out about a couple events etc they booked for this month that don't fit with my current schedule so have to see what can be done about that.  But all in all, while we still struggled to fit everything in, ds15s mood is slowly stablizing again though with him being at camp this weekend we will see how his transition back home goes with school next week.

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MamaAkins, did you post in invisible ink? B)


Swellmomma, I understand about transitions. My 15yo Aspie dd wants to go to a lockin next weekend.

I told her to pray about it for a couple of days before we really decide. I'm pretty sure if she goes (it will

be Friday night to Saturday morning), she will not 'recover' from it until Tuesday.


Jean, she'll get there. But to answer her question, my dd is able to do Bible and Biology on her own, sometimes

even Algebra. ds9 can do penmanship, some math, Bible, and assigned reading on his own.


Karen, I'll clear out the corner and clean off the chair just for you! As for going to school, if your daughter is going to school

why is she home? Yeah, something is definitely not right there.


Okay, off to do my lesson planning that should have been done this morning!

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The pollen count has been really high this week thanks to all that flooding rain we had last month.  She has come home everyday this week with hives and trouble breathing.  Poor child is allergic to school this year.   We gave an ipad to school so she has been doing her own, personal virtual schooling all week.  Of course my days start off with waking her up after she slept poorly because of allergies, dragging her to school, answering the inevitable phone call two hours later, picking her up during third hour, listening to her fourth hour class, dropping off some papers during lunch, picking up some papers after lunch and then dropping off and picking up books and papers after school - assuming I don't have to make more trips.  Then I get to make sure she does her homework.  It is a lot more work than homeschooling ever was.  I'm really glad it is Friday and super happy we're getting a hard freeze tonight.  Maybe some of these darn weeds will DIE.    I also picked up a bottle of wine last time I was out - my pot roast needed a drink.  Which corner did you put my chair in?  I still haven't finished a cup of coffee today.


Get busy with that lesson plan.  And how is the novel?

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Got really distracted from lesson planning and it didn't get done. Now the kids are fighting upstairs. Joys.

Got any Mike's to go with that whine? I mean, wine?


Um, maybe you should go back to homeschooling? Just a thought. The chair is over there, by the fireplace.

Don't get excited, the fire place isn't in current workable condition BUT I can put some lovely candles in there 

if you'd like. Do you need a throw too? I have a few of those around. One has even been freshly laundered and dried! B)


I made myself focus on the novel for a straight 30 minutes this afternoon and got 533 words down. Planning to work on the rest

throughout the weekend. I've mostly written it by hand anyway, just need to get it in a submittable format. :)

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