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I am inordinately excited about ds's new Coursera course....

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We are "abandoning" my constructed English plans for the next 7 weeks for my ds age 17 to use Coursera's Comic and Graphic Novels course.  He's been doing The History of Rock Music as an elective and really enjoying the format of the course and the lectures.  He's learning some good note-taking skills, enjoying the lectures and honing how to study for tests.  Friday, I noticed that they are offering the class on Comics and Graphic Novels starting tomorrow.  The professor teaches at the University of Boulder in CO.  We agreed to set aside my plan and jump in--my son has always loved comics.  The course includes writing assignments (which is one of my major goals for this kid this year) and a comic project.  I think he'll love it and it will also meet my goals.  I love these sort of homeschooling moments.


BTW, if you are not familiar with Coursera, the courses are free.  It's been a fun find this year!


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My son is taking the Online Games lit class - its his first and its a HUGE step up as far as workload for him.  I'm really pleased that he's putting in the effort and i think its increasing his self-confidence, as well.  We're only aiming for a 2-year community college degree, as we have a lot of issues (I went to college several times without graduating, and his sister SWORE she'd outdo me but has dropped out twice already . . . she's done well while she's in, though, but had to transfer credits from the Uni back to the CC to get a 2-year degree)

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The things I'm enjoying about Coursera for ds right now:

--learning to take notes and tests for another teacher (but they usually get multiple chances for the test, so it's good practice)

--deadlines that are not imposed by me

--learning from someone else

--learning about things that are particularly interesting to him.

--practice for the college class without committing to having the grade on a transcript, though we'll likely use his grades on our transcript

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My son started out with some of the easier courses on Coursera (he's only 14). He got a statement of accomplishment for the Introduction to Guitar class, and he's currently taking Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas.

The one I want both ds and I to take when we have more time is Think Again: How to Reason and Argue. I've read great reviews about it.

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We love Coursera! Right now dd is doing an ancient greek history and lit course which she loves. Both are taking the Globel Business of Sports, Intro to Microeconomics(16 week plan), Intro to Dinosaurs, and the Lord of the Rings online gaming one. All are working well.


We have signed up for a couple and dropped when actual material came out. One because too hard with our computer situation, others workload would be great because lack of backgound. We are in the middle of a house renovation / move so a great time for them to learn to follow a Syllabus etc.


They completed Cryptography 1 over the summer which was really hard. Both survived and got a certificate but lots of hours went into it for both. Ds kept saying he was not a quitter. Stressful. Neither child wants to do the second class starting soon! Lol

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