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So "fun week" is going badly...


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We school year-round so we've been going since our vacation in June, kind of a long stretch with only Labor Day as a break. DH is out of town this week and we're a bit burned out on our routine so I thought I would make it a funner, looser week that would be a bit easier for me as well.


I got some educational DVDs (Liberty's Kids, astronomy DVDs) and a bunch of history- and science-related library books the kids were excited about. We have a couple of good pieces of literature to read.  I told them we were going to spend the week watching videos, reading lots and lots of books, and getting outside to enjoy the weather while we can. Good theory, right?


It's been horrible. 


They are complaining, whining, arguing, and are generally unhappy unless they are watching Liberty's Kids. Whatever I suggest is rejected, they are being unkind to each other, and I am in tears after spending effort to research and procure fun materials for this week.


I guess they are really not doing well outside our normal routine. This feels like a major bust and I'm disappointed. I had imagined it as a week in which we got a break and cuddled on the sofa and went for long walks and were re-inspired. 


You know that feeling when you have an idea of how a homeschool thing is going to go? And then it's not like that at all? Yeah, that. 



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Now that it's the last day of "fun week" I have to update you on the "fun" that happened yesterday. 


We're doing SoTW and we're currently in Book 4, so basically Queen Victoria onwards. Ergo, we've already been through the American Revolution. I remember reading the books, listening again to the CDs, and doing all the activities and supplementary readings I had. Yes, I remember this. I am not crazy.


Fast forward to "fun week". Even though we've already covered the American Revolution, I've since found out about Liberty Kids (PBS cartoon series about the AR) and the kids are really interested. Even though it means we're going backwards in time I figure it will be fun and a good break. So they start watching and are maybe halfway through when the universe decides to remind me about how the minds of children work, you know, just in case I had my own ideas.


Me: I say something about the red coats losing, can't remember what exactly. The shock of the rest of the conversation has caused me to forget what it was, exactly.


Son: Mom, you spoiled it for us!!! 


Me:  :confused1:  


Son: We were so excited to find out who was going to win!  


Me: Ummm. The revolution won. You're a citizen of the country that resulted from this revolution. You may remember this from the weeks we spent on this.


Son: Wait, this is about the U.S.?


Me:    :cursing:  :ohmy:  :svengo:    :scared:  :willy_nilly:    :eek:  :blink:  :banghead:



Yes, even after we spent weeks on the AR, the next year they thought Liberty Kids was a fun cartoon and didn't connect it to actual events. I was accused of "spoiling" it for them because I gave away the ending. Yes, I gave it away.  



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