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New CD or DVD ideas for kids (elementary ages) for short car rides??

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So we have the usual: Magic School Bus, Liberty Kids, Horrible Histories (for DS9 only, DD7 is kinda sensitive and finds parts too gross). We are listening to "famous Composers: which is a CD with stories about some different composers. I wish they had "lives of writers" or poets or the like. It makes better use of our time on errands.

So, any other ideas? Doesn't have to be a series, but DVDs that would be ok to stop and start (we don't drive hours to get anywhere, max 25 mins).

We obviously are not ready for Teaching Company level lectures here. 

Art, Science, Biographies, History, any of these would be great.


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I purchased a few of the Daxos Junior Classics sets for this very thing.

There are several sets, but in our house there are a few of clear favorites:

Famous Scientists and their Discoveries

Famous Inventors and their Inventions

Both albums of Great Explorers

Famous People in History


Here is an Amazon link to the first, and further links on the same page:



There is a similar set for composers that we have not done yet:)

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where in the world is carmen san diego? It is just $5.99 on amazon right now for all 40 episodes but some reviews said the quality wasnt that great.  not sure if it would be a great DVD for the car, but a cheap solution?   i loved the series when I was a kid.  I found the board game a while back.  Can't wait until my kids are old enough to play this game so I can relive my childhood.  

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My library has the NEST dvd's--short 30 minute cartoon biographies on historical figures. They cover a range--Helen Keller, Galileo, beethoven, Ben Franklin to name a few. My kids love them. I think there are maybe 20 different ones? Last time I checked they were relatively pricy, but I never bought them because my local library has them all. Hope that helps.

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Our library has many of the Schlessinger media dvds meant to be used by classrooms, I think.  We have watched a bunch.  They have them on every topic I have wanted so far (from Ancient civilizations to magnetism to space topics to math...).  they are about 23 min each.  We recently watched one about telling time and another about the moon.  :)

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If you're in the car for such a short time, books are awesome! 


We only used story CD's for long car rides (as in over 3 hours). Around age 10 we changed to books on tape for the long rides. Other than that, it's reading books, drawing or looking out the window! Now DS drives & I am looking forward to being the one who reads on the next long trip! 

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If you're in the car for such a short time, books are awesome! 


We only used story CD's for long car rides (as in over 3 hours). Around age 10 we changed to books on tape for the long rides. Other than that, it's reading books, drawing or looking out the window! Now DS drives & I am looking forward to being the one who reads on the next long trip! 


No reading for us (maybe ds) carsickness, yes even in the city on short rides. I think all the stop and go. Helps DD7 and DS3 to look up at the tv monitor. That and a breeze, but can't always get that in stop and go traffic lol.

Plus I'm not a fan of keeping track of lots of stuff (books for everyone, notebooks, colored pencils) in the car...get in and go CD or DVD in hand.

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I absolutely have to mention my dd''s favorite audio cd for education. And mine, because the songs are sung well without that horrible forced quality rampant in educational songs!


The album is called 'Montessori Minutes' by Shelley Murley. There are tracks on just about all basic material you might like a young child to learn, things ranging from planets in the solar system, the water cycle, 50 states, continents and oceans, famous inventors/inventions, that sort of general information.


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