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Well, did we have a baby?

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This thread has made me think of the first time I was online with a mom-to-be. I thought it was great at the time that I was able to 'follow' with those first few contractions and then celebrate the baby online..


Well, that baby is turning EIGHTEEN this year! My my, time flies!!! (no I am no longer in touch with the mom... )


Go Aubrey! Go!

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She's been creating a thread since 11:11. Wow. Is she writing another book?

Nearly 2000 people have viewed this thread, so Aubrey has quite a following.




How do you people KNOW this!? Birth stories take a while to type!!! I'm trying to be patient!!!


I keep trying to post and I keep getting the server is too busy. Apparently a lot of people are waiting for her post!!! So, just STOP refreshing y'all! I wanna' be first to read her announcement!!!

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