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Book recommendations for SENG issues???


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Could anyone recommend any books or other resources that have practical suggestions for dealing with the social emotional needs of gifted children? I have a 12 yo DS who is so intense and so high-strung and so unwilling/unable to let anything go ... The giftedness is part of it, and I need to figure out how to help him gain some perspective so that he can relax and have fun. Thanks. 

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Here are three suggestions of books I've found to be helpful. If you haven't already read it, I'd start with the Parent's Guide book and work from there.


A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children  http://www.amazon.com/A-Parents-Guide-Gifted-Children/dp/0910707790


Living with Intensity http://www.amazon.com/Living-With-Intensity-Understanding-Excitability/dp/0910707898/ref=pd_sim_b_1/183-9764689-5041317


A Parent's Guide to Gifted Teens http://www.amazon.com/Parents-Guide-Gifted-Teens-Adolescents/dp/0910707995/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1379039953&sr=1-4&keywords=lisa+rivero

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Have you looked through the free articles available on the SENG website?  There's a lot to sift through, but some wonderful information.


A list of general topics is here.  Click through for multiples articles that fit the category.  You can also just do a search for something specific.


The books BarbaraH listed are wonderful.  I'll also add:  Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of the Gifted Child if only to rule out possible 2E issues.




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Thanks very much for the suggestions. I've downloaded a few sample chapters already and will get going! DS is 2E, which is definitely part of the problem, but he is very bright and compensates well so that he cannot get help for the 2E side to him. 

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This isn't a book exactly, but we've had a lot of success with token economies.  (I'm making a Pinterest board about them here.)  The trouble is that they only work for about one or two weeks, and then I need to find another solution.


When I went to the SENG conference in Seattle, I wrote up my notes about dealing with intense kids prone to meltdowns. That info is here.


Sigh... I wish I had more to offer!

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When I went to the SENG conference in Seattle, I wrote up my notes about dealing with intense kids prone to meltdowns. That info is here.


Thank you for sharing this!  I missed this year's conference in Orlando, but I plan on attending next year.  We've moved past the tantrum stage to the full-blown anxiety stage.  :(  I need to find resources for that as well.


I second the book Living With Intensity.  That is a very insightful book.

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Thanks for the notes on the SENG conference jenbrdsly- I'm hoping to get to next year's since its close to us. I really found The Explosive Child helpful for learning to deal with meltdowns- its worth reading definitely. A few others are Raising Your Spirited Child and Parenting Children With Intense Emotions. Living With Intensity was to me not as helpful to me as far as pragmatics, but excellent for helping to really get behind the eyes of my child (and husband for that matter). Some of Best Friends are Books: Guiding Gifted Readers has been great for finding books that help my daughter work through various issues - its a guide to using bibliotherapy with gifted children.

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