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Please tell me I don't need to worry about dd

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I have had dizzy spells for as long as I can remember. I did the heart monitor and all the other heart tests, bloodwork and tests for blood sugar. I get dizzy spells for a variety of reasons. 1) My dd (16) and I both get dizzy several days before our monthly. 2) I also get dizzy because of acid reflux. I have had an acidy stomach for as long as I can remember but I never really put all my symptoms together until the last 10 years or so. 3) My dd and I also get dizzy if it's been a while since eating. We get really dizzy, weak and angry like we will need to hurt someone if we don't eat immediately:lol:

4) I also get dizzy during really warm weather if I'm a bit dehydrated. If I drink lots of water and gatoraid it helps.

A final thought: How is her blood pressure. Sometimes very low blood pressure will lead to dizziness.

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:DI doubt it is related but I have intermittent dizzy spells.


My spells started suddenly one day. They come on rapidly and then leave rapidly. If they occur when I am standing the have been strong enough to drop me to my knees but usually just make me feel like I am drunk and can't keep my balance.


I have had 2 MRIs and my brain is "textbook perfect". Neurologist couldn't find any problems. I also had electrodes attached to my head and they observed more for epilepsy.


I have been evaluated by a cardiologist, had an ekg and wore a heart monitor for a month, like your dd, I showed a few inconsistencies but nothing significantly abnormal. He said my heart is strong and healthy.


I have been to the hearing doctor and an ear/equilibrium specialist who could trigger the exact same feeling by blowing cold air in my ear. While he could trigger the same feeling, he said I wasn't having equilibrium problems (I agree).


I have been to an eye doctor who performed many visual and medical tests on my eyes and said my eyes are "textbook perfect" also. I don't even wear glasses.


I have been to an osteopath for x rays and to check the bones in my neck surrounding the arteries. No narrow artery paths, no problems. The doctor thought it was silly that I was even referred to him as the problem he was asked to evaluate only occurs in the elderly.


I had had the dizzy moments for several years and after 2 years of testing and Multiple visits to Each of the above doctors ($$$$$) no one could pinpoint the problem.


I tried many medications including allergy medication (the very first thing my GP tried :blink:) antivert (an antihistamine commonly used for dizziness) and scopolamine patches like people wear for motion sickness. Nothing helped.


Doctors suggested stress or anxiety but there was no consistency to when the would occur. I could be talking and laughing with my neighbor, walking through the store, or at work. During time of stress, I rarely had a problem.


I thought it may be diet, because I don't always eat regular meals. I eat healthy food but if I am busy I forget to eat. I stopped all caffeine, and monitored sugar and carbs....no change.


I tested my blood sugars every hour for a few days...no diabetes or hyper/hypoglycemia.


We had bought new furniture around the time they started so I was thinking about selling it, just in case I was reacting to it somehow....but that didn't make too much sense since sometimes I reacted away from home. I was just getting desperate to find a cause.



I finally started noticing a trend after I had them for a few years. They were worse in the fall and spring, but not related to the weather or seasonal mold/mildew allergies (in the spring during the snowfall, and I was still having the same problems as the moist fall with leaves on the ground). They would go away for stretches of time, and then return. While this gave me little to go on, I started really paying attention to every detail of my life at the transition periods of them starting and stopping.


I finally figured it out.


In the fall, I start cooking muffins and breads. I like to put various nuts in them. By winter, I am burnt out on nut breads and switch to fruit based muffins like blueberry, marionberry...., in the spring, I tire of fruit muffins and go back to nut breads. After about a year, I pieced together that I am allergic to hazelnuts. If I have anything with hazelnuts, or flavored with hazelnuts, then I have dizzy spells. We think that I am only mildly allergic and my reaction to them is that I get fluid behind my ears. The fluid causes the symptoms and as soon as the fluid goes away, so does my symptom. The more I eat, the longer the symptom lasts. I react about 1-2 hours after I eat them.


I laugh now at the fact that an allergy was where we started but he medication didn't help, so it was quickly dismissed. I still eat hazelnuts, but every time I do, I have dizzy spell so I try to no have too much at once or to drive shortly after I eat them. I also laugh because it wasn't until our income got high enough that I ever ate hazelnuts! I grew up on cheaper nuts like walnuts, and other homegrown nuts. We couldn't afford hazelnuts so I didn't eat them regularly until I was an adult and could pay for them myself.


I know it can be so frustrating and it takes a while to figure it out. I hope you are able to piece it together and find a simple cause.

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I have them when I don't drink enough fluids. I never had them before I had my surgery but now that my stomach is smaller and I can't guzzle a glass of milk, I have to consciously drink and drink, and drink. I have to REMEMBER to drink or else by mid-afternoon I am having dizzy spells.


Push the fluids!

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