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Exercise Thread ~ 9/8 - 9/14


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Nothing yet. The sea ants bit me in the ocean, so I was itching all night . Hopefully, it will subside soon and I'll either do a Leslie or an Ellen Barrett DVD later today. Maybe even a swim, if my body can handle it. Sea ants tend to attack mainly in the mornings.

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boo on the sea ants.  How nasty.  I've never even heard of them. Hope you get your swim in.


My back is still hurting from last week.  :sad: So no kettlebell this morning (or probably this week).  I don't think I could even run, walking too much hurts.  But I'm going to try some yoga.  I did some Yin yoga last night and it felt good, so I'm going for an easier flow class this morning.  It may turn into yoga week, not really a bad thing. 

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Nothing yet. The sea ants bit me in the ocean, so I was itching all night . Hopefully, it will subside soon and I'll either do a Leslie or an Ellen Barrett DVD later today. Maybe even a swim, if my body can handle it. Sea ants tend to attack mainly in the mornings.

What are sea ants? They sound like horrid things. We watched a documentary on fire ants (Netflix instant) and they are fascinating and scary at how efficient and awesome they are. 


I did Jackie Warner lower body and core this morning. The last time I did this dvd it was easy. This morning was challenging. I woke up with a headache and stuffy so I don't know what that's about. My ds was really stuffy yesterday. He has allergies but I don't. So I don't know. Hope it's not another cold as I *just* got over one.

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Jellyfish! I have a bad relationship with jellyfish. If there's a single stinging jellyfish within 50 miles of me it will will sting me. I have memories of huge painful, burning welts from jellyfish. They are not my friends.



Went for a light run this morning. My a/c broke and my house is in the 90s (F) so it was a miserable night. It was actually cooler outside this morning so I really enjoyed the run in the cool air. By cool I mean around 75 degrees or so.

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Crunch: Burn & Firm Pilates


Jellyfish! I have a bad relationship with jellyfish. If there's a single stinging jellyfish within 50 miles of me it will will sting me. I have memories of huge painful, burning welts from jellyfish. They are not my friends.

Me neither. I don't think I can swim in the ocean anymore. Every time I get stung by them, my body reacts in a worst way than the time before. It stinks. I love swimming in the ocean, but I'm no longer willing to take the risk. 


I did my grocery shopping last night and this morning my back is in a lot of pain.  I couldn't even do yoga.  :(  I've done some push-ups and a few squats so that I don't feel like I'm going to end up out of shape.  Back pain stinks.  

:grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug: 


Hope your back feels better soon. Take care of yourself. Be gentle and take it slowly. I'm so sorry. 

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Sunday--day off, had a smidge ;) of wine with my sisters (one was visiting from CO)

Monday--Pilates focusing on arms and upper back (45 min)

Tuesday--45 min treadmill

Wednesday--Pilates focusing on abs, 35 minutes

Thursday--30 min elliptical

Today--Pilates lower body and either treadmill or elliptical, need to fit it all into 60 min

Saturday--Pilates total body for an hour, walking outside, weeding

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I was able to run 3 miles this morning, then I did 30 minutes of yoga.  It felt so good.  My back isn't hurting, but it's still weak, and it's causing cramping in my feet.  Very strange.  

Kim, good that your back isn't hurting. Hope that you feel back to normal very soon. 


Quoting everyone else so that this thread is not missed. :)

Saturday--Pilates total body for an hour, walking outside, weeding

 I've walked a few days this week as well and played frisbee, we love frisbee.

Went for a light run this morning. My a/c broke and my house is in the 90s (F) so it was a miserable night. It was actually cooler outside this morning so I really enjoyed the run in the cool air. By cool I mean around 75 degrees or so.


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