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Looking for a student-oriented writing curriculum

Guest Iridian

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Guest Iridian

I'm a 9th grade student, and I need a writing curriculum for this year.

I'm looking for something I can do without to much parental guidance. I'm fine with turning in my work to my mom to have her grade it and et cetera, but I want to do the actual lessons on my own. I'd also like something that can be obtained for $75 or less.


Any help would be appreciated!


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I'd suggest by beginning with an under $5 purchase of SWB's A Plan for Teaching Writing talk (high school), found at the store associated with this fourm: Peace Hill Press. You and your mom can listen to it and buy the first round of books which should be less than $30. 

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Guest Iridian

I'd suggest by beginning with an under $5 purchase of SWB's A Plan for Teaching Writing talk (high school), found at the store associated with this fourm: Peace Hill Press. You and your mom can listen to it and buy the first round of books which should be less than $30. 

Is this this MP3 you're talking about? I think I might consider it. What books do you mean? When I looked at the Peace Hill Press online store, the highest it went (for writing) was middle grades... or am I mistaken?


You can always do Time4Writing.com

Time4Writing provides 8-week online writing courses. Each student gets a personal certified teacher. Students work through the interactive lessons and writing assignments at their own pace.

Time4Writing also provides many free resources to help teach writing excellence.

Although Time4Writing seems to be a decent course, at $99 it's a little out of my price range. Thanks though.

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My son did the first half of Bravewriter Help for High School last year.  It was fun, but i'm not sure its a full year's curriculum.  We also found some essay writing books in the library, and I recently saw something specifically aimed at helping prepare for SAT essays?

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Is this this MP3 you're talking about? I think I might consider it. What books do you mean? When I looked at the Peace Hill Press online store, the highest it went (for writing) was middle grades... or am I mistaken?


Although Time4Writing seems to be a decent course, at $99 it's a little out of my price range. Thanks though.


Yes it is. I might kind of suggest getting the middle school one too, but you don't have too.


SWB suggests books she does not sell in the talk. The first one, I think, is a Rule Book for Arguments, 


BUT she does more than suggest books, so listen to the talk.

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My DD used Jensen's Format Writing for 9th grade and did it independently.  The book is written to the student.  It is less than $20 and will last at least a full year. It's a good program, a bit cut and dried (not exciting), and teaches the different types of essays in an easy-to-understand style.


Of course, it always helps with writing to have someone read your work and give you feedback.   

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Another one you might like to look at is  Essentials in Writing . Matthew Stephens is the teacher and he gives short lessons on DVDs.  It makes it very easy to do the majority of it on your own.  My daughter did this curriculum last year for 8th and liked it a lot.  She will be doing the 9th grade course this year.


We add vocabulary, grammar, and literature to it to round out the class.  Mr. Stephens recommends doing that and even gives a schedule to follow that takes a few weeks off between sections to fit the other things in.


If you click on the link, it will take you to the course catalog.  Click on 9th grade and head down the page until you see the "Table of contents" and a sample chapter.  That will give you a feel of how the program works.   


The price is good, too.  Ninth Grade Essay/Research Paper Curriculum - $40

Included:  DVDs with lesson-by-lesson video instruction and  printable worksheets/assignment sheets/answer key in PDF format.  PDF files (not DVDs) are sent by email. 
If you do not want to print out the worksheets yourself - for an extra $20 you can buy a very nice preprinted workbook.
Good luck finding something you like!


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