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Who bought Cover Story?


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A few things now that I've looked through it a bit:


It's scheduled for three days a week; however, there is flexibility to change that. The teacher guide is set up under the three-day schedule, though. Since the instruction is given through the dvds, the teacher guide mainly helps you facilitate the class and know how to grade. The student is expected to do most things independently. Each lesson has a workbook assignment. In addition to watching the lessons and completing the workbook, the student will be writing (using creative journal prompts) five days a week in the included journal.There are many short stories included in the workbooks: Ransom of Red Chief by O. Henry, The Lady or the Tiger by Stockton, The Necklace by Maupassant...about eight in all. These are used to highlight literary devices the student is being introduced to through the workbook. There are also discussion questions for each story.


Opinions so far: I think it is going to be a very enjoyable program. The workbook lessons appear to be very engaging. I haven't watched any lessons yet, so no comment to that. The journal is a bit iffy. It is very attractive and creative. Some of the content seems a bit cliche and definitely middle-school age (in my skimming through I found a brief mention of a girl dying of an overdose). I do like the concept of having them write something every day, and the prompts themselves are fairly vague: "Write 5 exchanges of dialogue each day for 5 days." "Write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences each day for 5 days." 



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I bought this program for DD13 and just started looking through it today.  I was unsure whether to get Cover Story or the One Year Adventure Novel but finally decided that OYAN could wait a year or two.  Now, having started looking through Cover Story, I think it may be too young for DD.  The humor seems to be pitched to younger ages and the amount of worked asked of the student is light. 


There are 24 weeks of assignments.  Our school year is 39 weeks long so it won't last us a full year as written.  Each week, the student completes 3 lessons.  One week's creative piece is 3 poems; later in the program, the student is given 3 weeks to write a short story.  DD is already writing much more than this on her own so this will hardly challenge her.


The journal is intended for daily writing (5 days a week).  However, the student is only asked to write 5 sentences a day and are NOT provided with journal prompts.  At least, I do not consider "write a paragraph of 5 sentences each day for 5 days" to be a prompt.


Let me add here that I have browsed through the teacher guide, student book, and journal as well as watched the parent section of the video and the "how to use this program" video.  I have NOT watched any of the lessons yet.  Maybe the student is given more guidance on the journal writing during the lessons.


I don't want to be all negative.  A lot of thought and planning went into this program and it definitely attempts to be engaging.  I think it would be great for younger middle school students or late elementary age as well as reluctant writers.  The schedule is all planned out for the parent and the videos are very professionally done.  We still plan to use the program as I have high hopes that DD will still learn a lot from the video lessons.

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Pegasus is correct, and I probably should not have used the term "journal prompts" as it does have a particular definition attached. They are definitely not creative as much as technical. I meant they will be told what to write. However, the what is simply technical (as seen in the examples I mentioned), and not directed in the sense of content. The content of the journal entries that are already included in the journal is what I wasn't crazy about, but it seems to simply serve as an example of what the kids can do and provides inspiration for their journal assignments. For instance, the character in the journal starts out investigating earth and humans, so he is recording questions that he has about both. The first journal assignment is to write 5 questions a day for 5 days, so, in effect, the journal itself serves as a sort of prompt, as it provides creative examples of what is assigned and the child could continue in the pattern of the author. However, they could also do the assignments from a different perspective. 


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We received ours today and I've been looking through it and happy with what I see. I'm using it with a 12 yr old boy who doesn't like to write & a 13 yr old dyslexic girl who loves to write stories but struggles with writing & spelling. It seems engaging and a little goofy, but not annoying at all. I think for a very serious writer it might be light, but for my kids seems like a good fit. And it's fun as well!

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I've been looking through my copy which just arrived. So, far, I'm impressed. It looks like a good fit for my son. BUT, I've looked over the first few lessons and the captions, which appear unable to be turned off, are truncated at many places and  contain frequent errors. It appears to be a formatting issue but I can't figure out how to get rid of the titles and I'm finding the mistakes really frustrating. My eye just keeps being drawn to them.


I'm wondering if I got a bad copy. Anyone else?

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I'm considering this.. any more info on what you like or don't about it? DVD issues resolved?


We haven't had any issues with our DVD's. We're on lesson 3 so it's a little early to report in, but so far the kids are digging it. The video lessons have been engaging. He gives pretty exact instructions on what he wants done and why, and he's a little funny/goofy. I like that the kids are really engaged in the program and seem to be enjoying it. Once we've been using it 6-8 weeks I'll have a much clearer review, but for now I thought our first impressions might be helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm considering this.. any more info on what you like or don't about it? DVD issues resolved?


I contacted the company and they did say that there was an issue with the out-sourced company that did the captioning. They are remastering the DVDs for future distribution. They said they would replace them if I wanted them to, when new ones were available, but that captioning was a 'bonus' feature not a marketing point and as such were not going to do a mass refund.  They suggested that they were not going to make this offer to everyone but I suspect they would oblige if they were contacted about it. They were very pleasant if not actually apologetic.


The videos are very professionally done and the sound quality is excellent. So, it wasn't an issue of not being able to understand the content as much as it was an issue with the 'bad' captions drawing my attention and being distracting.  In my case, I did figure out how to turn off the captions so it isn't an issue any longer.


Overall, we're enjoying the program so far. I even find the videos quite entertaining!

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I'll plug the excellent Customer Support from the Schwabauers. DS used OYAN his freshman year and is doing Other Worlds this year. The products are beautifully done and the customer service has been quick and helpful. I'm glad to hear good things about Cover Story so I can recommend it to friends with younger kids.

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