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So all you Oak Meadow users..how's it going?


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(assuming youve started, that is). We have done approximately one week of lessons (we had a Not Back To School Bash with our local HS group on Friday, so school didnt technically happen) and have enjoyed OM so far. I cant say I really have a feel for it yet, however. I do like the World Map project that my 6th grader is doing. He is enjoying the writing projects as well. I am a little concerned about the lack of grammar instruction, but I am not going to think about that too much right now. Both kids like the more easy-going approach so far, but we havent begun languages yet (Latin and Spanish kick in next week).


So far, so good!

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We took a break for the summer, and start again next week. I've enjoyed OM 3 (I want to say we're on 7 or 8) so much that I bought OM 1 this summer for my younger son. We are doing LoE with it for more spelling and grammar guidance, and also added Latin and Spanish. :) it's going to be a great year :)

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We started OM 4th grade this year and are just now in our third week.  (FL...starts way too early IMHO. :))   The first few assignments are about exploring your native landscape, and then you make a model of that landscape using real plants, sand, etc.  Well, it's alternated between being way too hot to being super rainy, so I put that on hold.  I've done the Language Arts bits, and actually went back to the OM 3rd grade curriculum I had to do some OT work for now until it's a bit cooler.


We've been working a lot on cursive writing too.  


DS was supposed to read "Stuart Little", but I misread it and he read "Trumpet of the Swans."  Finished it last week and now it's like pulling teeth to get him to write a book report.  I decided to take a page out of Brave Writer and just had him narrate stuff back to me about the story.  I then had him write a letter to Sam (main character in the book).  


Grammar has been way lay backed.  Reviewing what is a noun, what is a verb.  This week we're on adverbs and adjectives.  


For Math, we're doing Math-in-Focus 4th grade.  Should finish chapter 2 this week.  Had to do a bunch of review of the times tables.  Really liked the various active ideas (as did my son) from 3rd grade.


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm doing OM grade 5 this year. I used grade 4 last year. Last year the syllabus was for the parent but this year it's written more towards the child. I've taken over from my son at this point so he won't have so many choices! So here's how I use it so far. For English I dictate sentences and he writes them down. Then he uses those sentences to find the noun or whatever the task is that week.

For social studies, we read one section together and then discuss the questions or do whatever the writing assignment is. I'm reading a week ahead and reserving the supplemental books at the library. They are a great supplement and I use them in a very CM manner. He gets free reading time and narrates the books orally to me when he's done.

I do a similar thing with science, but I wish OM had supplemental reading lists for them as we'll.

All in all, it's working but OM is a lot of work for the parent and my son is dysgraphic! Everything is a writing assignment and I think he liked workbooks more. I still have to do spelling and phonics with him. I'm not sure that OM is less work than when I used to put my own curriculum together using core knowledge books......and that was certainly cheaper!

Right now I am working through it hoping it will work for us but I don't know;(

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We are slowly abandoning OM4 more and more.  I *do* like the OM stories--but it's taken awhile to get there.  Everything else has been just so-so so far.  I liked OM3 better, I think...and am wondering whether or not OM5 is worth it.


What's working for us is doing some handiwork....finger knitting right now... and recorder in the afternoons.  DS really loves both.  


Galore Park Jr. English and Science have become OM replacements for those topics.  


We just started CHOW this week, and DS really loves it.


OM is just a supplement right now.

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We have added in a lot, so I'm not sure it's really been worth it in the long run. DS actually grabbed SOTW off the shelf last week for his reading time, and now we are working on an Egyptian Lego pyramid.



I think OM is more work for the parent, which I don't think I fully grasped when I decided to use it. We've been doing finger knitting and reading the folk tales, but I'm just not motivated to be creative with the curriculum right now.

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Well I wrote a long post yesterday, but then I deleted it because it just sounded so whiny :\


OM 3 is going really well with my youngest.  I agree Runningmom, it is entirely written to the parent.  There's a lot of stuff we end up not doing just because I miss it.  The TM is so not intuitive for me.  But little guy is enjoying the gentler approach, and his writing is improving.  I'm supplementing a lot with him, but even so "school" only takes about 3 hours (includes what he does with me and what he does alone).


My 8th grader (using OM 7) is also doing well.  She is very self-motivated when it comes to school, and once she got the hang of how the manuals were written she took off.  I wouldn't say that she loves it, but she's tolerating it and she's still managing to get done with school by lunch! She has swim practice in the morning and then does her own stuff from about 9-12.  We do "together" school after lunch i.e. Latin & Math.


OM 6 though, is giving my 12yo son fits.  Like I said in the post I deleted, I really think it's my fault because I've added too much other stuff.  But otoh, it just really isn't a good fit either.  He doesn't want to do maps and projects and all that writing.  He loves R&S English and Science Fusion.  He's not so keen on OM Life Science, and I'm not so keen on OM English.  I think he'd do better if I went back to my odd TOG/SL mish-mash that I've done for years, but for one kid? after spending all that money on OM? and most of my TOG books are still in the states anyway.... Well, I have until Monday to make a decision since we took this week off ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Well I'm afraid we never got OM1 going. It was just too teacher-intensive for where we are at in our family life. I do like it a lot though, and think that when you add the extras such as handwork, nature table, etc, it makes a lovely, well-rounded curriculum. It is IS gentle though. I think a lot of folks could use OM1 for Kindergarten quite well. I will hang onto it for one of the younger kiddos.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest haley5

I was more than excited when we got OM 4, 3 and 1 for this school year. Well, it sucked! Not the curriculum, but the amount of parental work and I just can not figure out how to use it for 3 different grades and make it work! So frustrated ( and behind in this school year because of it!)

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Guest haley5

I was more than excited when we got OM 4, 3 and 1 for this school year. Well, it sucked! Not the curriculum, but the amount of parental work and I just can not figure out how to use it for 3 different grades and make it work! So frustrated ( and behind in this school year because of it!)

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