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What would you do with these reading comprehension results?

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I administered the McLeod Assessment of Reading Comprehension to my son earlier today. I got it from the internet. Basically it's comprised of of small story vignette's and the student needs to fill in the missing words on the blanks. It taps into the child's comprehension, decoding, syntax and vocabulary skills.


My son is doing 5th grade level work, but this test had him at 3rd grade. Now I know his reading needed help, but these results are concerning.


Where would you go from here?

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Is it this test http://www.arizonansforchildren.org/UserFiles/File/Diagnostics/mcleod_diag.pdf ?

Has your son done cloze passages before?  If not, he may not be use to the format of the test.

Here is some other close passage test you can try for comparison





my younger tried and cleared the elementary level one. He has done fill in the blanks kind of worksheets before for school.

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My kids have had some trouble with the reading comprehension sections on standardized tests even though they read very well and often.  We have started using Evan-Moor's daily reading comprehension for test practice.  I am using it one grade level above my kids' grades because I think that is about equivalent to the Iowa test.  I am very pleased with it.

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This piqued my curiosity and I gave my son the test.  He's a sixth grader and has always struggled with reading comprehension.  He scored early 4th grade which I find to be accurate.  Does anyone know of similar worksheets?  I think work like this could definitely help him improve his comprehension.

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