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Friday Teacher Lounge


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QUICK! Somebody bring me some chocolate! That may be the ONLY way I survive today


Today already seems like a Monday. The only thing that DID go right is that I actually got up early

and did my run. From there it just hasn't been very successful. Add to that two complaining kids

and I am just not interested in pursuing academics today. I may just have them do Spanish (which is all

Rosetta Stone and not me) and call it a wash. Bleah. And our forecasted high temp for today is 111 F.


This afternoon I am going to meet a friend whom I haven't seen in a year or two since he moved from AZ to OR.

We're meeting at a brewery, so maybe I'll indulge in a cocktail. 


Anyone else having a day? What are you going to do about it?


Anyone seen any good movies in the theatres lately? Any you're looking forward to seeing?  Here: The last one I saw in the theatres was Star Trek Into Darkness, for the fourth time.  :coolgleamA:

My kids recently saw the newest Percy Jackson movie, Sea of Monsters. We are all looking forward to seeing the next installation of The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug in December.


What's for lunch today? Here: I'm thinking we might order pizza and surprise some friends with it since is their last weekday of freedom before they start school on Monday.


Talk to me!   :bigear:

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Scrap!  Happy Friday!  (I know you're not feeling happy but a happy Friday to you anyway.)


Great job on the early morning run.   :hurray:  :hurray:   You go, girl!

111 degrees is not an outdoor temperature but an oven temperature.   :svengo:

:cheers2: Have fun at lunch with your friend!

My kids are back from vacation.  I get to be the "fun mom" with the whip making them do stuff!   :boxing_smiley:

Last movie in a theater was Despicable Me II.

Lunch?  Won't the lunch fairy make it magically appear?  

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Ugh my dehydrator probably runs close to your outdoor temp! Left over Italian for lunch.


We saw the new superman movie and enjoyed it.


Sorry scoop has been a bust for you today. I hats to report this, but I am happy that the school week has been very productive today. A do have one who is attempting to avoid an essay assignment which is

slightly annoying. On the other hand, he received a 100% on his first physics exam, and he's a bit giddy

so I'm trying not to rain on his parade to much.

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Hello -


My older dd was sick yesterday, and is getting better today.  My younger hasn't actually gotten up yet.  It is almost noon.  She's usually up by 7.  I keep peeking in on her, but I can't wake up someone that needs that much sleep.


For lunch I'm having a spring role with brown rice, seaweed, carrots, cucumbers and avocado.   I'm probably warming up chicken soup for the sick dd.  


Dh drug me to see  I accompanied dh to see Pacific Rim a few weeks ago.  It was combination between Godzilla and Power Rangers.  


Enjoy spending time with your friend.

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We did surprise the kids with pizza. Their mom was working but we know them well so we went over anyway.


Tonight I'm visiting with my other friend, the one I haven't seen in awhile. Today I've just been relaxed about most of it. Had

the kids do Spanish and that was pretty much it. Did have ds do penmanship and his IEW assignment. Next week is a new week!

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No school for us yet - we still have a week to go before we start back. Plus it's just too hot here at 101 to even think about trying to do school with no a/c. It's supposed to start cooling down this weekend - hoping it stays cooler.


But I did spend today sorting through the "too big" clothing totes, and tonight we'll have a marathon try-on session. DD just had a growth spurt so I need to find new to her clothes that fit & see where my "holes" for winter clothing are so I can shop with a list at the upcoming half off sale at a local thrift shop. Anything too small will go towards either an upcoming yard sale or our local homeschool freecycle.


Lunch was chips & salsa. I got a bag of yummy tortilla chips on clearance a while back - white corn ones & blue corn ones mixed. The blue corn have an interesting flavor! Probably will try to sneak some in dd's snack sack.

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