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Homeschool in the Woods Project Passport- kind of bummed

Annie Laurie

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I just assumed I would be emailed a download link, but after not receiving anything in an email, I reread the info on their website and realized it's a CD that they mail to me. Ugh. Why not just let people download everything instantly? I even asked dh to take the kids to the science museum one day this weekend so I could have the whole day alone to print and organize all that stuff. We're excited to start. Does anyone know how long their shipping typically takes?

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Question for those that have used these :-). We are getting ready for 3rd grade and I've already planned SOTW 3 with SOTW 4 for next year. I know the Project Passports are recommended for grades 3 - 8. However, I'm wondering if, in your opinion, they would be too young for grades 5-8 for our second rotation of history? They look so fun... I'm thinking I could just use these for the logic stage and include more readings from the SOTW activity guides (that were too old for my boys through the grammar stage).


Or...would it be too much to do SOTW with Project Passport for the next 2 years? We usually use the activity guides for review questions, map work, and extra reading. We have not done any of the extra activities for SOTW.


I was also planning for them to start their timelines during the logic stage and was planning to use the figures from Homeschool in the Woods.


Any thoughts on any of this would be much appreciated :-)!!!

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I'll be using the American history cds over two years while reading the,  "A History of US" series. I  also found the defunct audiobooks (amazing deal) in case we get behind in reading and need to play catch-up. You could always do the same with SOTW cds. We can also work on cutting while listening,

great for my ADHD son. Best of both worlds, imo. :coolgleamA:


ETA: The creator expects you to tailor the program to your kids. Pick and choose the most meaningful 

and appropriate activities if you need to. A number of projects (in each cd) are gender-prone...like cross-stitching a sampler, easy to skip with most boys.

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I've wanted to buy this for a while. I decided not too, but now after reading this thread, I want to buy it again. I love the idea of listening to the CDs of SOTW (or other CDs we have) while doing the projects. What a great idea...maybe I'll purchase this after all...

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