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A (possibly stupid) question about the Practice sections in the Singapore texts

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How do you have your kids do the Practice sections that are in the Singapore textbooks? Do they rewrite each question out and work it on separate paper? I guess that's really the only way, right? I don't understand why they don't just include those sections in the workbook instead of the textbook  :confused1:



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I've wondered the same thing!


For us, I used to write them out for DS on lined paper.  Now he is old enough to write them out himself, so I had him do that for a while.  However, I have realized that those sections are often overkill for us these days anyway, so as long as he does fine on the workbook stuff, I just skip the Practices in the textbook altogether.


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Oh, a whiteboard is a good idea; I think DD will like that. I'm scheduling them into my lesson plans because now that we're getting into upper levels, I'm finding she needs more practice than the workbook alone is giving her, but they're optional lessons. I can easily skip them if we don't need them. 


Thanks, everyone!

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I do them orally, with the help of a whiteboard, until I'm certain dc can work the problems without my help (we end up skipping most of that practice and moving on to the workbook).

We're not talking about the regular textbook lesson problems (we do those orally or at the white board and skip as needed also), but the section labeled "Practice A/B/C" at the end of each section.

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We're not talking about the regular textbook lesson problems (we do those orally or at the white board and skip as needed also), but the section labeled "Practice A/B/C" at the end of each section.


Obviously I wasn't reading carefully.  :blushing:


I pretty much skip the practice sections.  :ph34r:  

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DS1 is only in Singapore 3A right now, but we skip the Practice A/B/C parts for now; he just doesn't need them (yet, if he will at all). But if we did do them, I'd have him do them on separate paper as practice for later math that doesn't have a workbook format, or we'd use a whiteboard (or more likely, Notability on the iPad).

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