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Math recommendation for "mathy" 1st grader


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I want to do MOTL.  I think he would thrive beyond anything else with that.  However, I am a box checked off to make sure I'm getting everything done and staying on track type of person.  His love of math is being KILLED by drill and kill.  I will be killed with MOTL though.  Please, what should I look into besides that?

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I have a mathy kiddo also.  We *love* Singapore Math.  Not just the text and workbooks but also the Intensive Practice and the Challenging Word Problems.  He also likes to read the Fred books, although he tends to do that on his own.  Singapore is where we really cover things systematically (and I can "check off the box"!).


Beast Academy is also a fun option, although I think the current youngest level is technically third grade, so I wouldn't start it until you are finishing up 2nd grade SM (or something equivalent).  We read through it together as a fun challenge occasionally.

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He has done CLE and Saxon.  I've looked at this McRuffy math.  Looks interesting, but $$$.  But if if would be exactly what he needs, I would be willing to do it, kwim?  My DD is not mathy at all (much like me) and CLE is perfect for her.   I'm also not sure from just looking at things online if any of them are really that different than Saxon. 

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I like Math Mammoth for covering topics not covered by our other curricula (for instance, BA only has the third grade level out, and we'd come to a point in science when he needed to be able to work with decimals). We have the Blue series, the one that's organized by topic instead of by complete grade level; I can't speak to the light blue grade-specific series. We did Singapore 2 and 3, and my son found the workbook in 2 to be far too easy. I only bought the CWP and IP for the third level, and that was good, but BA came out so we moved to that. I'd planned to keep using Singapore to cover the rest of elementary since BA is on a slow-ish publishing schedule, but for what he needed the MM download was much more cost-effective. We still use the CWP as a review.


My daughter (in whom I see more ''joy'' in math than in my son, who's nonetheless capable and cheerful about it) really likes to get her hands on her work, so the Cuisenaire rods used with Miquon are ideal for that. She adores Miquon, and I do, too, because it's isn't afraid to introduce ''advanced'' topics (such as the order of operations) fairly early on (the first half of the second grade level). The concepts are sophisticated and the approach is warm and fuzzy. Some of their problem-solving methods I haven't seen in other curricula, like their approach to long division (purely conceptual, no procedural emphasis at all). I could go on and on. Singapore and MM are both excellent programs, and both are conceptually-based rather than procedure, but for the lower grades I think Miquon is unmatched. 


Miquon only goes through third grade, so even if you use it until then, you can still you also get the benefits of Singapore, MM, or BA for the latter half of elementary. Best of both worlds.

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For a mathy kid, my vote is for Miquon. Still discovery oriented and different for him, but not as overwhelming for you. Make sure to get the lab manual, First Grade Diary and read the Notes to Teachers.

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We are enjoying Miquon, with Life of Fred and some math games as extra-fun supplements. We also read a lot of living math books. There is a good list of books, organized by topic, here: http://www.livingmath.net/ReadersbyConcept/tabid/268/Default.aspx


We own a lot of math manipulatives, and I leave them out on the table in a bin. Ds frequently plays with them during non-school time. His ability to "play" with math in an unstructured way really bolsters his math interest.

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